Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course students will:
1) discern the basic meanings of teh Greek notion of historiography
2) understand the formation of the Greek notion of historiography by specific historians
3) be able to discuss the relation between historiography and other forms fo discourse, such as myth and literature
4) understand basic aspects of the relation between ancient and modern historiography
Course Content (Syllabus)
The course studies the creation and development of ancient Greek historiography. Based on close readings of ancient historians, the classes will address the question of the formation of historiographical discourse in the historical context of antiquity. Moreover, the course will examine the relation of historiography to other related genres, such as myth, ethnography, biogrpahy, travel narrative and literature.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1. [32628]: Ηροδότου Ιστορίαι, Asheri David, Lloyd Alan, Επιμ. Ρεγκάκος Αντώνης, Μτφ. Δημοπούλου Κατερίνα, Σκουρέλος Δημήτρης, Μουρατίδης Δημήτρης
2. [17325]: Θουκυδίδου ιστορία, Hornblower Simon
3. [31404]: Επινοώντας το παρελθόν, Ρεγκάκος Αντώνης
4. Greenwood, Emily, O Θουκυδίδης και η διαμόρφωση της ιστορίας, Καρδαμίτσα, 2011