Learning Outcomes
This workshop introduces to the basic principles and concepts in transport modeling techniques. The student should gain skill in the surveying, the collection and analysis of travel demand data and in the development of the “four-step process”. He should be able to apply these methods to estimating and forecasting travel demand with the use of computer tools. The workshop will also provide students with an understanding and practice of the basic transport engineering techniques and standards used in urban design
Course Content (Syllabus)
Steps that are necessary to complete a long-range transportation plan; factors underlying traveler’s choices of mode of travel, route choice and destination choice and how these processes can be represented mathematically; sampling and surveying techniques for traffic flows, passenger trips, parking supply and demand; origin-destination surveys; on board transit passengers surveys; travel demand modeling: trip generation, trip distribution, modal split, network assignment; land use planning models and their suitability; basic urban design standards for roads, pedestrian streets and bicycle lanes; application of intelligent transport systems for traffic monitoring.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1) Γ.Α.Γιαννόπουλος, «Σχεδιασμός των Μεταφορών – Η διαδικασία πρόβλεψης των μελλοντικών αναγκών μετακινήσεων», 2002.
2) Σταθόπουλος Μ., Καρλαύτης Μ., Σχεδιασμός Μεταφορικών Συστημάτων, Εκδόσεις Παπασωτηρίου, Αθήνα, 2008.