Course Content (Syllabus)
1 ) General properties of viruses and the virus particle , Taxonomy of Viruses , Virus culture, Replication of viruses in living cells, Effect of physical and chemical agents on viruses , antibiotics and chemotherapeutics- effects on viruses, immunity to viral infections , laboratory diagnosis of viral infections , Picorna viruses, Reoviridae, viruses Toga-Flavi-Arena-Benya-Filo, Myxoviruses , Paramyxoviruses , Corona viruses, baculoviruses , retroviruses, hepatitis virus , parvovirus , Adenoviruses , Herpesviruses , poxviruses , Tumour causing viruses, bacteriophages , Prions, spongiform encephalopathies. 2) Protozoa , multicellular parasites, arthropods Sporozoa ( Plasmodium , Toxoplasma , Cryptosporidium ), flagellates and ciliates -bowel and vagina, flagellated blood and tissue nematodes, intestinal tissue nematode, cestodes , trematodes . 3 ) Introduction to fungi, taxonomic and morphological classification , mode of reproduction and infecting the human body. Candida, Aspergillus, Cryptococcus , opportunistic fungal infections. Pathogenic fungi.General characteristics of dermatomycosis. Laboratory diagnosis and antifungal treatment, in particular of symptomatic and deep mycoses.