Theoretical and practical training in the required course of Pediatrics IA-IB 0323 is carried out in the four pediatric clinics with a common curriculum:
• 1st Pediatric Clinic, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Hippokration Hospital
• 2nd Pediatric Clinic, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, AHEPA Hospital
• 3rd Pediatric Clinic, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Hippokration Hospital
• 4th Pediatric Clinic, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Papageorgiou Hospital
The beginning of practice is on the first Monday after the 15th of August. The duration of practice is from Monday to Friday , lasts 6 weeks and the training is completed by the end of May. Students receive before the start of courses at their electronic Mail: a Course Brochure, a bulletin for clinical skills and duties, the curriculum, a table with the curriculum in the wards and the board syllabus for the final exams.
Reception of students is carried out by the Director of the Clinic and the coordinating body for the course (one faculty member that is the coordinator , and the two faculty members in charge of the course) at 8.15 in the morning in the classrooms of the Clinics.
The students are divided into small groups and placed in the wards , where they remain for a period of one week, and then are rotated once a week in order to have the possibility of training in the full spectrum of pediatric cases. In each ward there is a supervising faculty member in charge.
All students are provided with a nominal card for their medical uniforms and in certain clinics wardrobe keys. Moreover, in certain clinics, students are provided with auxiliary educational tools eg clinical treatment guidelines, personal notes etc.
Information posted at the bulletin board of the Clinics includes :
1) The timetable of the courses
2) The training program in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)
3) The program to participate in general duties
4) The training program for Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in pediatric models
5) A table with the distribution of students in the wards
Students are on duty in groups, every 4 hours, from 15.00 to 23.00 on weekdays and from 09.00 to 23.00 on weekends.
Moreover, in general duties :
• The students on duty in the clinic work with the residents on duty, assist them in management of patients and contribute to the recording of History.
• The students on duty in the Emergency Department (ED) take history from parents, write down the main points, present the patient to residents / consultants and examine the patient together.
The above are applied in duties that progress normally.
In order to receive an official stamp in his book of studies, the student has to provide to the secretariat of each clinic appropriate forms signed by the physicians on duty. Checking and Confirmation of having received the official stamp in the book of studies ensures participation of the student in the final examination.
Students can justify two days of absence during practice if absences are more than two then practice is considered inadequate and has to be repeated during the next six-week course.
All students are required to present clinical cases in the form of differential diagnosis. They Also participate in a team-work, under the supervision of a faculty member, which is presented orally in the form of power-point presentation and lodged at the Secretariat of the Directorate in the form of CD-ROM. There is a column in the students’ bulletin for clinical skills where oral presentations are recorded. After checking their books of studies for having received the official stamp, the bulletin is returned to students; the latter must keep and take it with them to the final oral examination.
The final grading of students for the course of Pediatrics IA-IB 0323 is equally calculated based on the scores received from both written and oral evaluation (each one 50% of the final score)
The grading scale is between 0 and 10 for both written and oral examination.
After implementation of the European Credit Transfer Systeam (
ECTS) in the School of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the score of the written examination will also be presented in the form of A, B, C, D, E, F where: A = 10%, B = 25%, C = 30%, D = 25%, E = 10%, F = failure. The ECTS system initially divides students into two groups: those who succeeded-passed and those who failed; then it assesses the performance of these two groups separately. Thus,l those who succeeded are further divided into five subgroups the best 10% are awarded an A grade, the next 25% a B grade, the following 30% a C, the following 25% a D and the final 10% an E.
1) ORAL EXAMINATION: At the end of a six-week course, students are orally evaluated in the wards and the corresponding score is recorded in the bulletin of each student. Performance during evaluation in the wards is counted towards the overall oral grade. Performance during oral presentation work (power point and during examination on a virtual (electronic) patient are also counted towards the overall oral grade.
2) WRITTEN EXAMINATION: it is held within the examination periods as determined by the School of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. It includes multiple-choice questions, short questions, questions on clinical cases, questions with diagrams and pictures. There is no negative marking. The score obtained from the multiple choice questions is <5 (ie if the student successfully responds ONLY to multiple choice questions, he cannot be awarded with a grade of 5).
The written exam includes the curriculum of Pediatrics (chapters taught).
The oral exam includes the whole curriculum of Pediatrics.
1.Perinatal medicine- perinatal injuries
2.Cardio Respiratory Resuscitation of newborns
3.Respiratory disorders of newborns
4.Immune deficiencies
5.Fever of unknown origin
8.Bronchial Asthma
9.Cystic Fibrosis
10.Congenital and acquired heart disease
12.Liver and biliary diseases
13.Inflammatory bowel disease
14.Urinary Tract Infection
15.Nephrotic Syndrome
16.Acute and chronic renal failure
19.Solid tumors and Lymphomas
20.Diabetes mellitus
21.Disorders of the Thyroid and adrenal glands
22.Cerebral Palsy and CNS Malformations
23.Neuromuscular and neurocutaneous diseases
24.Rheumatic diseases
26.Diagnostic approach and urgent treatment of metabolic diseases
27.Emotional and behavioral disorders
28.Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children
Pediatrics IA-IB 0323
Wards : 8:30 -11:30 = 3 hours x 5 days x 6 weeks = 90 hours (workload)
Hours of Theoretical instruction : 12:00 to 13:00 = 1 hour x 5 days x 6 weeks x 4 = 120 hours (workload), where 4 = factor for workload in the course of Pediatrics
Differential diagnosis: 13:00 -14:00 = 1hour X6 weeks = 6 hours (workload)
Team-work Presentation = 1 hour (workload)
Preparation for Team-work presentation = 4 hours (workload)
Duties = 12 hours (3x4) = 12 hours (workload)
Individual studying = 6.2 hours (workload)
TOTAL WORKLOAD: 239.2 hours which correspond to 9,2 credits (ECTS)