Course Content (Syllabus)
1) Review of basic principles from least-squares theory
2) Adjustment problems with extended models
3) Adjustment problems with weak or ill-conditioned models and regularized parameter estimation techniques
4) Adjustment problems with dynamical models via Kalman filtering techniques
5) Adjustment problems for determining "multivariate mean values" and optimal fitting of multiple spatial datasets
6) Adjustment problems for estimating unknown functions via stochastic modeling
7) Examples - Applications
Data analysis, parameter estimation, adjustment theory, inverse problems in surveying engineering applications
Additional bibliography for study
1) Strang G., Borre K. (1997) Linear algebra, Geodesy and GPS. Wellesley-Cambridge Press, Wellesley, MA.
2) Ghilani C.D. (2010) Adjustment computations & spatial data analysis. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
3) Teunissen P.J.G. (2000) Adjustment theory: an introduction. Series on Mathematical Geodesy and Positioning, Delft University Press.
4) Teunissen P.J.G. (2000) Testing theory: an introduction. Series on Mathematical Geodesy and Positioning, Delft University Press.