Course Content (Syllabus)
Every student enrolled in the undergraduate academic program of the Faculty of RSE is required to submit a Diploma Thesis (DT), which culminates the student’s studies in the 5-year program of the Faculty. Every year the three Departments of the Faculty of RSE announce several DT topics which are suggested to the students in order to make their own choices. The students select their DT topic only after having submitted their official registra¬tion for the courses taught in the 8th semester of their studies, without this excluding the possi¬bility of choosing a DT after the course registration in the 9th semester. During the 9th semester, there is a compulsory course entitled “Methodology, research and technical writing of research papers”, whose main focus is on the preparatory bibliographic research within the DT and the acquisition of basic technical writing and presentation skills. This course can examined together with the DT defense or at an earlier time.
The supervisor(s) of each DT provides advice and academic guidance to the corresponding students during the whole period of their research work related on the particular DT topic. It is recommended that the students choose a DT topic which is related to the courses (compulsory and technical electives) that they have already attended.
For any consultation that would assist the students in choosing a specific DT topic within one of the three Faculty’s departments, the students can seek help from the Student Councilor of the corresponding department.