Course Content (Syllabus)
1. Physical activity and health problems. 2. Physical activity and inactivity. 3. Laboratory methods for assessing patients' physical efficiency . 4. Clinical methods for evaluating fitness parameters. 5. Therapeutic exercise programs' organisation and planning to improve aerobic capacity. 6. Therapeutic exercise programs' organisation and planning for muscle strengthening. 7. Therapeutic exercise programs' organisation and planning to improve flexibility. 8. Therapeutic exercise programs' organisation and planning to improve body composition. 9. Therapeutic applications of exercise in childhood. 10. Fundamentals of exercise during pregnancy. 11. Therapeutic applications of exercise in the elderly. 12. Therapeutic applications of swimming. 13. The contribution of exercise on quality of life.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1) Βιβλίο [59391485]: Ιατρική της άθλησης, 3η έκδοση, Δεληγιάννης Αστέριος, Εκδόσεις University Studio Press Α.Ε. (2016)
2) Βιβλίο [59395597]: Άσκηση και Υγεία, 7η έκδοση, Brian J. Sharkey, Steven E. Gaskill, Εκδόσεις Παρισιάνου (2016)