Learning Outcomes
With the successful completion of the course the students will have the necessary knowledge regarding the beneficial effects of physical activity in the ensuring of old people autonomy and good functionality. They will also can apply appropriate exercise programs for chronic disease confrontation aiming at the improvement of the quality of life.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Purpose: Through the course, the studentσ acquire specialized knowledge regarding the degenerative lesions brought on by aging in biological / physiological systems of the body. Furthermore, the students will be able to design and implement specific-appropriate exercise programs aiming at the ensuring of old people autonomy and good functionality. The course covers systematically and comprehensively all aspects of aging.
1. Introduction. Changes in various systems with advancing age
2) Exercise-induced adaptations in the body.
3) The Effects of exercise on elderly people with chronic diseases (Respiratory)
4) The Effects of exercise on elderly people with chronic diseases (Cardiovascular)
5) The Effects of exercise on elderly people with chronic diseases (Musculoskeletal-Arthritis)
6) The Effects of exercise on elderly people with chronic diseases(Musculoskeletal-osteoporosis)
7) The Effects of exercise on elderly people with chronic diseases (Urinary, Digestive)
8) Psychological and social effects of aging and the effect of exercise
9) Falls and accidents in elderly people- Balance improvement.
10) Memory in elderly people and the effect of exercise
11) Aerobic exercise training programs in elderly people
12) Exercise programs for muscle stregthening in elderly people
13) Summarization
Elderly people, Exercise, Disorder Confrontation, Quality of life
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1. Σωστή άσκηση στην τρίτη ηλικία. Προγράμματα άσκησης για τη βελτίωση της ποιότητας ζωής, Patricia A. Brill
(2006). Μετάφραση -Επιμέλεια Εκδόσεις SALTO, ISBN: 960-278-148-3, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2006.
2. Ιατρική της Άθλησης: Από τη θεωρία στην πράξη. Αστέριος Π. Δεληγιάννης. Εκδόσεις University Studio Press,
Θεσσαλονίκη, 1997.