Course Content (Syllabus)
1. Introduction. History of TKD and Martial Arts.
2. Emergence of unarmed and armed combat in Ancient Greece.
3. History and evolution of TKD in Greece.
4. Philosophy of TKD.
5. Coach’s philosophy and goals.
6. TKDtraining at a young age: physical development, training goals, assembly skills, technique and tactic, psychokinetic
development, aerobic/anaerobic endurance, strength, speed, suppleness, flexibility, agility.
7. TKD-specific games and exercises, appropriate for children aged 4-6, 7-9, 10-12.
8. Adolescent training: technique, tactic, physical condition.
9. Analysis of TKD sparring: technique, tactic, physical condition, psychology, and other factors affecting performance.
10. Brainfunction in TKD. Processing of information, decision-making and practice of sparring tactics.
11. Instruction-Methodology of TKD sparring.
12. Instruction-Methodology of traditional TKD.
A. Taekwondo Sparring
1. Sparring techniques: Paltung chagi, Mirro chagi, Yop chagi, Dwit chagi, Dollyo chagi, Bituro chagi, Naerio chagi,
An chagi, Bakat chagi, Huryeo chagi, Bandal Dollyo chagi.
2. Sparring techniques: double and triple combinations.
3. Feigning and other techniques.
4. Attack steps and other techniques.
5. Counterattack steps and other techniques.
6. Side movement and other techniques.
7. Blocking in sparring.
B. Traditional Taekwondo
1. Poomsae basicdefence techniques (blocking and stepping)
2. Poomsae learning methods.
3. Shadow Sparring. Learningof 1st-5th Poomsae.
Taekwondo, history, philosophy, teaching, childhood, technique, kinesiology, traditional Taekwondo, Poomsae.