Learning Outcomes
The students to have a first contact with the sciences of education (which are they, what are their goals and the relationship among them) and from the discussions going on in the classroom to gain knowledge, form opinions and exchange ideas for the sciences of education.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Crtical analysis of the basic sciences of education. Relation of pedagogy and other sciences. Goals of education, learning and teaching. Where does education take place (family, school, society et al). Means of education and teaching. Contemporary pedagogical trends and teaching methods. Roles of the educator and the student and relationship among them.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1) Bredekamp, S. & Copple, C.(2011). Developmentally appropriate practice in preschool eduction.Athens: Pedio.
2) Doliopoulou, E. & Gourgiotou, E. (2008). The evaluation in education. With emphasis in preschool. Athens: Tipothito- G. Dardanos.