Learning Outcomes
Students to acquire scientific knowledge and to get training regarding the teaching profession.
Students to acquire competency on understanding language development from birth till the completion of development (16 years), to be able to evaluate typical language development and its deviations and to develop intervention preschool activities.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Basic speech-language-communication functions. Theoretical approaches to language development (linguistic, behavioural, cognitive, functional).
Milestones to the acquisition of linguistic and meta-linguistic abilities (phonoly-syntax-semantics), with emphasis on the preschool years
Stattering-clattering-developmental disorders-dysphasia
Additional bibliography for study
Ψυχολογία της γλώσσας, Bonin P. (επιμ. Τάνταρος Σ.)
Ψυχομετρικό Κριτήριο Γλωσσικής Επάρκειας Λ-α-Τ-ω, Τζουριάδου Μ., Συγκολλίτου Ε., Αναγνωστοπούλου Ε., Βακόλα Ι.
Ψυχολογία του παιδιού, Βοσνιάδου Σ.