Learning Outcomes
Familiarize students with the management of children's books in early childhood education and out of school environments (Libraries and Centers for Creative Activities)
Familiarize students with the application of music education activities in kindergarten.
Familiarize students with the application of mathmatical activities in kindergarten.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Mathematics :
The students attend two presentations introducing the teaching of a particular mathematics topic in the kindergarten. In these meetings, the specificities of the teaching subject are explained and related tasks and material are proposed. The students, in groups of three, prepare and carry out a pilot and two regular teachings according to the suggestions. After the end of their teaching experience they meet again in the school for feedback and discussion.
Children's Literature:
1. Students are trained in the management of children's books in the classroom in regard to both their form, that is size and image and their content as well, that is meaning, heroes and perceptual processes involving preschoolers. Additionally, they organize simple and complex actions within the curriculum either independently or in conjunction with other disciplines, often in collaboration with visual and theatrical and musical pedagogical actions.
2. The training includes seminar meetings of students and teachers, collaboration with their teachers / mentors, visits to schools and implementation of specific actions.
Students familiarize with the implementation of music education activities in the Kindergarten.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
"5 βήματα για δράση. Από τη λογοτεχνία στη δραματοποίηση"
Έλενα Αρτζανίδου&Ανδρέας Καρακίτσιος, Διάπλαση, Αθήνα, 2008
«Το μουσικό γιασεμάκι (βιβλίο συνοδευόμενο από CD)
Μωραΐτη Τζένη, Μαρία Κουρκουρίκα, Μεταίχμιο, Αθήνα, 2006