Learning Outcomes
- describe the process by which water is collected from the spring sources
- describe the process to collect water from the streams of the torrents
- characteristics hydraulic machines, pumps and irrigation - drainage networks
- applied biological treatment for water pollution and purrification,
- calculation of the dimensions of a water reservoir and its associated constructions
Course Content (Syllabus)
Hydrometric, water supplies, sewerage, depositories, hydraulic machines, irrigation pumps and drainage networks, flood and hydroelectric projects, biological cleaning, quality water analysis and control, land reclamations, flood works, protection works of nature and environment, biological refinement.
Hydraulic works, earth dam, reservoir, biological treatment, spring water tapping
Additional bibliography for study
• Τσακίρης, 2010, Υδραυλικά Έργα. Σχεδιασμός και Διαχείριση. Τόμος Ι: Αστικά Υδραυλικά Έργα, Εκδ. Συμμετρία.
• Τσόγκας Χρ. 1998, Δίκτυα Αποχέτευσης και Επεξεργασία Λυμάτων, εκδ. Ιων.
• Τσόγκας Χρ. 2009 Υδροδυναμικά Έργα – Φράγματα. Εκδ Ιων
• Χρυσάνθου, Βλ. 2015. Ποτάμια υδραυλική και τεχνικά έργα. ID Ευδόξου 59303548