Learning Outcomes
At the end of the module, the students will be able to understand the importance of operations to production systems, the linkages of operations decisions to other functions, and the basic concepts and approaches for the planning and controlling of a production system together with its interfaces within the organization and with the external environment.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Introduction: production operations; operations strategy.
Forecasting: short-term forecasts, intermediate-term forecasts, long-term forecasts; time series and causal models; constant processes; linear trend processes; seasonal processes.
Design of Production Systems: product design; process selection and capacity planning; facilities layout.
Operating and Controlling the Production System: long, medium and short range production planning and control; inventory management; quality management; maintenance and replacement.
Feasibility study: investment proposal, estimating cash flows, evaluation of investment proposal.
Industrial management, production operations management, forecasting, inventory management, feasibility study.
The evaluation of students (FG)(range 0-10) is based on a combination of the following marks:
Final examination paper (FE), Midterm examination paper (ME), Average of 2 assignments (AA)
The evaluation formula is as follows:
If FE>=5 then: FG = 5 + (FE-5)*0,6 + (AA-5)*0,2 + (ME-6)*0,5 (no negative marks)
If 5>FE>=4 then: FG = 4 + (AA-5)*0,2 + (ME-6)*0,5 (no negative marks)
If FE<4, then: FG = FE
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Δ.Π.Ψωϊνός, 2008. Οργάνωση και Διοίκηση Εργοστασίων, Τόμος Ι «Σκοπιμότητα Δημιουργία και Σχεδίαση» και Τόμος ΙΙ «Προγραμματισμός και Ελεγχος Παραγωγής», Εκδόσεις Ζήτη, Θεσσαλονίκη.
Σ. Δημητριάδης, Α. Μιχιώτης, 2007. Διοίκηση Παραγωγικών Συστημάτων, Εκδόσεις Κριτική, Αθήνα.
Additional bibliography for study
Π. Γεωργιάδης. "Τεχνικές Πρόβλεψης, Σημειώσεις από πανεπιστημιακές παραδόσεις”, ηλεκτρονική έκδοση, 2008
Π. Γεωργιάδης. "Σχεδίαση Προϊόντος, Σημειώσεις από πανεπιστημιακές παραδόσεις”, ηλεκτρονική έκδοση, 2007