The organization of the early farming communities in Greece – environment, economy, social practices

Course Information
TitleΗ οργάνωση των πρώτων γεωργοκτηνοτροφικών κοινοτήτων της Ελλάδας – Περιβάλλον, οικονομία, κοινωνικές πρακτικές / The organization of the early farming communities in Greece – environment, economy, social practices
CodeΑΠΡ 707
SchoolHistory and Archaeology
Cycle / Level2nd / Postgraduate
Teaching PeriodWinter/Spring
Course ID600015929

Programme of Study: PMS stīn Archaiología, Téchnī kai Politismó 2024-2025

Registered students: 0
OrientationAttendance TypeSemesterYearECTS
Proïstorikī ArchaiologíaCompulsory CourseWinter/Spring-15

Class Information
Academic Year2018 – 2019
Class PeriodWinter
Faculty Instructors
Weekly Hours3
Total Hours39
Class ID
Course Type 2021
Specialization / Direction
Mode of Delivery
  • Face to face
Digital Course Content
General Competences
  • Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies
  • Work in an interdisciplinary team
  • Respect natural environment
  • Demonstrate social, professional and ethical commitment and sensitivity to gender issues
Course Content (Syllabus)
The course APR 707 "The organization of the first agricultural and pastoral communities of Greece – Environment, economy, social practices" examines specific problems of Neolithic life in Greece within the geographical and cultural context of the Eastern Mediterranean Lesson One The natural and geographical environment of Greece in the 9th to 7th millennium BC Lesson Two The Mesolithic installations in Greece Lesson Three The emergence of the Neolithic in the Middle East Lesson Four The appearance of the Neolithic in Anatolia and the Aegean coast. Lesson Five The beginning of the Neolithic in Greece and the theoretical approaches to cultural change. The testimony of modern molecular analyzes. Lesson Six The characteristics of Neolithic society. The transition from hunter and gatherer groups to farmer societies. Lesson Seven The characteristics of Neolithic society. The practical basis of reciprocity and solidarity in Neolithic communities Lesson Eight The appearance of the "household" and the "house" in the Neolithic communities of Greece. The archaeological data Lesson Ninth Reciprocity practices and their archaeological mapping Lesson Tenth Intercommunal relations and communication between communities. Lesson Eleventh Presentation and discussion of student work Twelfth Lesson Presentation and discussion of student work Lesson Thirteenth Recapitulation Basic Bibliography Demoule, Jean-Paul, and Catherine Perlès. 1993. The Greek Neolithic: A new review. Journal of World Prehistory 7 (4):355-416. Kotsakis, Kostas. 2014. Domesticating the Periphery. New Research into the Neolithic of Greece. Pharos 20 (1):41-73. Kotsakis, Kostas. 1999. What tells can tell: Social space and Settlement in the Greek Neolithic. In Neolithic Society in Greece, edited by P. Halstead Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press. Richards, Martin. 2003. The Neolithic invasion in Europe. Annual Review of Anthropology 32 (1):135-162. Strasser, Thomas F., Eleni Panagopoulou, Curtis N. Runnels, Priscilla M. Murray, Nicholas Thompson, Panayiotis Karkanas, Floyd W. McCoy, and Karl W. Wegmann. 2010. Stone Age Seafaring in the Mediterranean: Evidence from the Plakias Region for Lower Paleolithic and Mesolithic Habitation of Crete. Hesperia 79 (2):145-190.
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Use of ICT in Course Teaching
Course Organization
Reading Assigment
Additional bibliography for study
Basic Bibliography Demoule, Jean-Paul, and Catherine Perlès. 1993. The Greek Neolithic: A new review. Journal of World Prehistory 7 (4):355-416. Kotsakis, Kostas. 2014. Domesticating the Periphery. New Research into the Neolithic of Greece. Pharos 20 (1):41-73. Kotsakis, Kostas. 1999. What tells can tell: Social space and Settlement in the Greek Neolithic. In Neolithic Society in Greece, edited by P. Halstead Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press. Richards, Martin. 2003. The Neolithic invasion in Europe. Annual Review of Anthropology 32 (1):135-162. Strasser, Thomas F., Eleni Panagopoulou, Curtis N. Runnels, Priscilla M. Murray, Nicholas Thompson, Panayiotis Karkanas, Floyd W. McCoy, and Karl W. Wegmann. 2010. Stone Age Seafaring in the Mediterranean: Evidence from the Plakias Region for Lower Paleolithic and Mesolithic Habitation of Crete. Hesperia 79 (2):145-190.
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