Learning Outcomes
The teaching of Sculpture is developed on both a theoretical and practical level. The theoretical part (as information, knowledge and critical thinking) is not limited in the realm of Sculpture, but encompasses a broader and interdisciplinary character (from all creative realms of human expression-creativity and the natural world) and is materialized either through systematic presentations from other teachers and specialists, either through bibliographic research in the internet and other sources together with students' works. The practicum involves aesthetics and technical analysis of other works of art and technology.
Course Content (Syllabus)
- Sculpting exercises (with clay): bust from ancient copy or real model
- Analogical design from natural or not prototype.
Design of extended perception with the use of various materials and techniques
- Free sculpting exercises, with various materials, in small size (under climax), with a required or free topic.
- Exercise at determined space under climax, with free selection, with determined or free theme and materials.
- Brief presentation of one artist's visual work (free selection).
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Βιβλίο [10309]: Τέχνη και πολιτισμός, Κλέμεντ Γκρήνμπεργκ
Βιβλίο [16226]: Η τέχνη, Auguste Rodin
Βιβλίο [77107508]: [Εκμάγευση και αναπαραγωγή], Σώτας Σ. Δημήτρης