Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will:
- acquire basic theoretical knowledge in astronomy and astrophysics
- learn how to use theoretical knowledge for solving basic astronomical and astrophysical problems
Course Content (Syllabus)
Basic principles of positional astronomy - Astronomical coordinates, Position triagle, Measurement of time, Stellar distances - Stellar photometry and stellar magnitudes, Colour indices - Spectra and spectral classification of sstars – Sun, planets and their satellites, minor planets, comets – Basic principles of stellar evolution and final stages of matter – Binary and Variable stars – Characteristics, classification, clusters, and evolution of galaxies – Observations of cosmological importance, theories of creation and evolution of the universe, cosmological models.
Astronomy, Astrophysics, Stars, Planets, Cosmology
Additional bibliography for study
Harwit M.: Astrophysical Concepts, John Willey, New York, 1973
Pasachoff J.M.: Contemporary astronomy, International Thomson Publishing, 1988
Freedman R.A., Kaufmann W.J. III: Universe, W.H. Freeman, 2001