Learning Outcomes
The aim of the course is for first year students to understand basic, known principles of Classical Mechanics using vector and differential analysis, to develop synthetic thinking and get familiarised with solving more complex exercises and problems
Course Content (Syllabus)
Units and Vectors:
Standards and units. Dimensions. Vectors. The unit vector. The position vector. Components of a vector. Scalar and vector products. Types of vectors. The derivative of a vector. Problems.
Motion of a Particle:
Rectilinear motion. Average and instantaneous velocity, acceleration. Motion in a plane. Physical coordinates. General motion in space. Coordinate systems. Motion of a projectile. Circular motion. Examples – Problems.
Forces and Motion:
The concept of force. Fields of forces. The Newton’s laws of motion. Universal gravitation. Inertial and gravitational mass. Friction. Balance. Motion under the influence of forces. Examples – Problems.
Frames of Reference:
Relative velocity. Galilean transformation. Inertial and accelerated frames of reference. Inertial forces. Relativity and Equivalence principles. Motion in a rotating frame of reference. Centrifugal and Coriolis forces. Examples – Problems.
Energy and Conservation Laws:
Impulse. Energy. Work. Conservative forces. Kinetic energy. Potential energy. Power. Linear momentum. Angular momentum and torque. Conservation laws. Kepler’s laws. Examples – Problems.
Motion of Systems:
Mechanical system of particles. Internal and external forces. Internal energy. Center of mass. Center of mass frame of reference. Momentum, energy and angular momentum of a system. Collisions. Systems of variable mass. Examples – Problems.
Mechanical Oscillations:
The simple harmonic oscillator. Equation and energy of the simple harmonic motion. The pendulum. Damped harmonic oscillations. Forced harmonic oscillations. Resonance of energy and amplitude. Examples – Problems.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1)PHYSICS-INTRODUCTION TO MECHANICS, D. Kyriakos, Th. Karakostas, ZITI (ed.), 1998, Thessaloniki, Greece [22766907]
2)PHYSICS-VOLUME I (Translated in Greek), Halliday D., Resnick R., Krane K.S., G. & A. Pneumatikos (eds.), 2009, Athens, Greece [6771]
Additional bibliography for study
1) FUNDAMENTAL UNIVERSITY PHYSICS, Volume 1, M. Alonso-E. Finn, Addison-Wesley (USA)
2) CLASSICAL AND MODERN PHYSICS, Volume 1, K. W. Ford, Xerox College Publishing (USA)
3) UNIVERSITY PHYSICS, Sears-Zemansky-Young, Addison-Wesley (USA)
4) PHYSICS FOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS, Volume 1, Serway, Jewett, Brooks/Cole (USA)