Learning Outcomes
After the successful completion of this course, students will be able:
to set, control and complete an experiment, following instructions,
to evaluate and organize the data from the experimental setup,
to manage the data according to the theory of errors,
to apply, where possible, the algorithm of least squares as a means to capture the results,
to correlate and compare groups of similar results,
to evaluate the findings in relation to the theory and
to synthesize a report, based on scientific evidence.
Course Content (Syllabus)
I a) Features of measuring instruments and methodologies of measurement. Statistical treatment of experimental data
b) Graphing techniques for 2 variables, treatment of experimental data, least-squares algorithm.
II a) Online measurement of velocity and acceleration on a rectilinear air track using a computer
b) Simulation of the x-y trajectory of a sphere in various environments using a computer
c) Introduction to electrical measurements, DC instruments and their modifications
d) Introduction to the oscilloscope and AC measurements.
e) Cooling of systems in constant temperature environment and measurement of specific heat capacity.
f) Introduction to wave phenomena using ultrasound devices.
During the course (formative):
Knowledge of applied theory in the laboratory,
Understanding and application of instructions of experimental activities,
Handling, precision and skill in carrying out experimental activities.
After each laboratory work, weekly (formative):
Synthesize a report, based on the appropriate theory and the acquired data with the experimental setup.
At the end of the course (summative):
Data manipulation based on error theory, problem solving and acquired skills in experimental setup and data recording.