Additional bibliography for study
Baken, R. & Orlikoff, R. F. (2000) Clinical Measurement of Speech and Voice. London: Singular.
Bauman-Wangler, J. (2015) Articulation and Phonology in Speech Sound Disorders: A Clinical Focus (5th Edition). Pearson.
Behrman, A. (2012) Speech and Voice Science (2nd Edition). Plural Publishing, Inc.
Bernthal, J. E., Bankson, N. W., Flipsen, P. (2012) Articulation and Phonological Disorders: Speech Sound Disorders in Children (7th Edition). Pearson.
Boone, D. R., McFarlane, S.C., Von Berg, S.L. Zraick, R. I. (2013) The Voice and Voice Therapy (9th Edition). Pearson.
Brookshire, R. H., McNeil, M. R. (2014) Introduction to Neurogenic Communication Disorders, (8th Edition). Mosby.
Chapey, R. (2008) Language Intervention Strategies in Aphasia and Related Neurogenic Communication Disorders (5th Edition). LWW.
Crystal, D. (1993) Introduction to Language Pathology. Singular Pub Group.
Duffy, J.R. (2012) Motor Speech Disorders: Substrates, Differential Diagnosis, and Management, (3rd Edition). Mosby.
Fuller, D. R., Pimentel, J. T., Peregoy, B. M.(2011) Applied Anatomy and Physiology for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. LWW.
Guitar, B. (2013) Stuttering: An Integrated Approach to Its Nature and Treatment. LWW.
Hedge, M. N. & Pomaville, F. (2012) Assessment of Communication Disorders in Children: Resources and Protocols (2nd Edition). Plural Publishing Inc.
LaPointe, L. L. (2011) Aphasia and Related Neurogenic Language Disorders (4th edition). Thieme.
McFarland, D. H. (2014) Netter's Atlas of Anatomy for Speech, Swallowing, and Hearing, ( 2nd Edition). Mosby.
Owens Jr, R. E. (2011) Language Development: An Introduction (8th Edition). Pearson.
Owens, Jr, R. E. (2013) Language Disorders: A Functional Approach to Assessment and Intervention (6th Edition). Pearson.
Papathanasiou, I, Coppens, P. (2016) Aphasia and Related Neurogenic Communication Disorders (2nd Edition). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Paul, R. & Norbury, C. (2011) Language Disorders from Infancy through Adolescence: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Communicating, (4th Edition). Mosby
Paul, R. (2014) Introduction to Clinical Methods in Communication Disorders, ( 3rd Edition), Brookes Publishing.
Pena_Brooks, A, Hedge, N. M. (2007) Assessment and Treatment of Articulation And Phonological Disorders in Children: A Dual-level Text (2nd Edition). Pro ed.
Perkins, W. H. & Kent, R. D. (1986) Textbook of Functional Anatomy of Speech, Language and Hearing. San Diego: College Hill Press, Inc.
Secord, W. A., Boyce, S. E., Donohue, JA, Fox, R. A., Shine, R. E. (2007) Eliciting Sounds: Techniques and Strategies for Clinicians (2nd Edition). Singular.
Seikel, J.A., King, D. W. & Drumright, D. G.(1997) Anatomy and Physiology for Speech, Language and Hearing. San Diego: Singular Publishers
Shirpley, K. G., McAfee, J. G. (2015) Assessment in Speech-Language Pathology: A Resource Manual (5th Edition). Delmar Cengage Learning.
Shriberg, L. D. & Kent, R. D. (2002) Clinical Phonetics. Allyn & Bacon
Stinchfield, S. M. (2013) Speech Disorders: A psychological study of the Various Defects of Speech. Routledge.
Yavas, M. (1998) Phonology, Development and Disorders. London: Singular Publishing Group.