Learning Outcomes
Aims of the course:
The objective of the present course is to establish an interactive approach in constructing new chemical entities in the frame of Medicinal Chemistry. It is addressing postgraduate Pharmacy students in the teaching cycle of their studies and, therefore, it is prerequisite for their scientific evolvement.
The present course will establish the thesis that the postgraduate Pharmacy should be able to use the central principles of chemistry in order to understand the basic concepts which govern the preparation and usage of pharmacotherapeutic/pharmacodiagnostic molecules.
Course Content (Syllabus)
General synthetic methods towards preparation of molecules of pharmaceutical interest. Utilization of classical and retrosynthetic methodologies. Study of chemical properties which are connected to the structure (analysis of chemically characteristic groups) of pharmacomolecules, in order to indentify, to quantitatively analyze and detect side products, as well as analysis of their pharmaceutical and biological properties. Examples of important pharmaceutical molecules (inhibitors of lipoxygenase, serineproteases,phospholipases, coumarines, metalloproteases) including radiopharmaceuticaqls as well.
Additional bibliography for study
1) Βασίλης Δημόπουλος
Stuart Warren & Paul Wyatt «Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach», 2009, ISBN-13: 978-047071236
2) Διονυσία Παπαγιαννοπούλου
Adam, M. J.; Wilbur, S. D. Radiohalogens for imaging and therapy. Chem. Soc. Rev., 2005, 34, 153–163.
Wilbur, S. D. Radiohalogenation of Proteins: An Overview of Radionuclides, Labeling Methods, and Reagents for Conjugate Labeling. Bioconj. Chem., 1992, 3(6), 433-470
Elsinga, P. H. Radiopharmaceutical chemistry for positron emission tomography. Methods, 2002, 27, 208–217
3) Δήμητρα Χατζηπαύλου-Λίτινα
Medicinal Research Reviews
Mini reviews in Medicinal Chemistry
Current Medicinal Chemistry
Current Pharmaceutical Design
Current Enzyme Inhibition