Course Content (Syllabus)
Definition and structure of solid surfaces. Adsorption of atoms in the solid surfaces. Chemical dynamics and electronic structure of surfaces. Diffraction of low energy electrons. Spectroscopic techniques for the study of surfaces. Vacuum Technology (Kinetic theory of gases, transport of gases and conditions of pumping, high & ultra high vacuum chambers, high & ultra high vacuum pumps). Physics and plasma technology, Physics and Chemistry of solid materials evaporation, Physical Vapour Deposition, nucleation and thermodynamics of growth of thin films, kinetics of atoms and ions in the surfaces of solid materials (thermal movement, adsorption, diffusion, surface diffusion, chemical reactions). Physical Vapor Deposition and Molecular Epitaxy Techniques. Techniques and methods of measurement and monitoring, Laboratorial familiarity with the vacuum devices, films deposition and measurement of films and surfaces.