Course Information
Cycle / Level2nd / Postgraduate
Teaching PeriodWinter
Course ID600000370

Class Information
Academic Year2018 – 2019
Class PeriodWinter
Faculty Instructors
Weekly Hours2
Class ID
Course Type 2016-2020
  • Scientific Area
Course Type 2011-2015
Specific Foundation / Core
Mode of Delivery
  • Face to face
Language of Instruction
  • Greek (Instruction, Examination)
Learning Outcomes
The course aims: a) to give the opportunity to students to critically examine the major theoretical problems of comparative law, b) to familiarize themselves with the comparative legal method and the general features of major legal systems, c) to give them the opportunity to approach, with the help of the comparative legal method, basic concepts of non-discrimination law. In particular, the specific learning objectives of the course are: To equip students with knowledge that will allow them to resort easily to foreign laws. To study foreign legal concepts and foreign legal institutions and to compare them among themselves and with the Greek law. To approach theoretical problems of comparative legal research, such as the transplanting of legal concepts from one legal system to another, the classification of the legal systems to larger families, the comparability of legal systems and institutions and the assessment of legal solutions given by the legal systems to specific legal problems. To understand the usefulness of comparative legal research in various fields of law, particularly the law of non-discrimination. To be familiarized with the fundamental concepts of non-discrimination law and to understand how these concepts were transplanted, with the help of European Union law, from the laws of the Anglo-American legal tradition to the laws of Continental Europe.
General Competences
  • Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies
  • Work autonomously
  • Work in teams
  • Work in an international context
  • Work in an interdisciplinary team
  • Generate new research ideas
  • Appreciate diversity and multiculturality
  • Demonstrate social, professional and ethical commitment and sensitivity to gender issues
  • Be critical and self-critical
  • Advance free, creative and causative thinking
Course Content (Syllabus)
I BASIC CONCEPTS OF COMPARATIVE LAW AND LAW OF EQUALITY AND NON-DISCRIMINATION (14 two-hour sessions) 1. Comparative law and fundamental rights in the age of globalization (one two-hour session) 2. The concepts of legal culture and legal tradition as tools of comparative law (one two-hour session) 3. Philosophical approaches and methodological tools of comparative law (one two-hour session) 4. The great legal cultures and their classification (1 two-hour session) 5. General characteristics of major legal cultures (5 two-hour sessions) 6. The concepts of equality and discrimination (1 two-hour session) 7. Forms and philosophical approaches of equality (two two-hour sessions) 8. International, supranational and national sources of equality and non-discrimination law (2 two-hour sessions)
Educational Material Types
  • Notes
  • Slide presentations
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Use of ICT in Course Teaching
  • Use of ICT in Communication with Students
Course Organization
Reading Assigment301.2
Written assigments301.2
Student Assessment
Students who choose to attend the course are evaluated as follows: 1. They study before each meeting a specific material composed of scientific articles and court decisions, they are examined orally on this material in the context of the scientific debate which takes place in every lesson, and they prepare written summaries in which they present the major points of the scientific discussions held in each course. The grade for this oral and written examination constitutes the 50% of their final grade, 2. They participate in the final exam at the end of the semester concerning the whole material of the course. The grade of this final exam constitutes the 50% of their final grade.
Student Assessment methods
  • Written Exam with Extended Answer Questions (Formative, Summative)
  • Written Assignment (Formative, Summative)
  • Oral Exams (Formative, Summative)
  • Performance / Staging (Formative, Summative)
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Corpus σημειώσεων, αποσπάσματα από άρθρα και μελέτες, νομοθετικό και νομολογιακό υλικό.
Additional bibliography for study
Bassedow J., «Der Grundzatz der Nichtdiscriminierung im europäisches Privatrecht, ZEuP, 2008, σ. 230 επ. Bobbio Ν., Ισότητα και ελευθερία, (ελληνική μετάφραση του έργου. Eguaglianza e Liberta από Μ. Αρχιμανδρίτου), εκδ. Πόλις, 1998, U. Clifford J., « Locating Equality : from Historical Phιlosophical Thought to Modern Legal Norms », The Equal Rights Review, 1/2008, σ. 11 επ. Burdeau G., Le Liberalisme, Editions du Seuil, 1979 Calvès G., L’affirmative action dans la jurisprudence de la Cour Suprême de Etats-Unies, Le problème de la discrimination positive, L.G.D.J, Paris, 1998 Caruso, «Limits of the Classic Method: Positive Action in the European, Union After the New Equality Directives», 44 Harvard International Law Journal, 2003, σ. 331 επ., Clark D. Cunningham, «Affirmative Action: India's. Example», 4 Civil Rights Journal 22, 1999, Commission Européenne, Perspectives internationales sur les mesures d’action positive, Etude comparative dans l’Union européenne, Au Canada, aux Etats-Unis et en Afrique du Sud, Maastricht 2009 Craig P., G. Bùrca (eds), The Evolution of EU Law, 1999, σ. 517-553Δ Γεραπετρίτη Γ., Ισότητα και θετικά μέτρα, Εκδ. Αντ. Σάκκουλα, Αθήνα-Κομοτηνή, 2007 Γιαννακούρου, Μ, Ίση μεταχείριση ανδρών και γυναικών κατά το κοινοτικό δίκαιο, Εκδ. Αντ. Σάκκουλα, 2008 Δεληγιάννη-Δημητράκου Χ. «Ουσιαστική Ισότητα και Ανθρώπινη Αξιοπρέπεια», Εφημερίδα Διοικητικού Διακαίου, 5/2014 , σ. 633 Δεληγιάννη-Δημητράκου Χ, «Θετικά μέτρα και αρχή της ισότητας από τη σκοπιά του συγκριτικού δικαίου»,, Το Νέο Εργατικό Δίκαιο, Τιμητικός Τόμος για τον Καθηγητή Ιωάννη Δ. Κουκιάδη, Εκδόσεις Σάκκουλα, 2014, σ. 45-90. Δεληγιάννη-Δημητράκου Χ, Οι πολλαπλές διακρίσεις : συγκριτική προσέγγιση», Επιθεώρηση Εργατικού Δικαίου, 2012, σ. 961 επ. Deliyanni-Dimitrakou Ch, « Egalité multidimensionnelle et discriminations multiples en droit comparé», Revue Internationale de Droit Comparé 3/2013, p. 657 et s. Deliyanni-Dimitrakou Ch, «Aspects du pluralisme juridique: quels droits pour les couples homosexuels en Europe?”», in M. Aligisakis, S. Daskalopoulou (eds), Multiculturalisme et Identités en Europe; Publications de l’Unstitut Européen de l’Université de Genève (10), Academia ; Université de Genève, L’Harmattan, 2012, p. 171 et seq. Deliyanni-Dimitrakou Ch, «Substantial Equality and Human Dignity. A novel approach to the multi-dimensional concept of equality», International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies, 2014. Δερμιτζάκη Φ., Η απαγόρευση των διακρίσεων σε βάρος των εργαζομένων ορισμένου χρόνου, Νομική Βιβλιοθήκη, 2010. De Vos M., Au-delà de l’égalité formelle, L’action positive au titre des directives 2000/43 et 2000/78 Docksey. Ch., “The Principle of Equality Between Women and Men as a Fundamental Right Under Community Law”, ILJ, 1991, 258, 1996 Ellis E. , EU-Anti-Discrimination Law, Oxford University Press, 2005 Freedman S., Discrimination Law, Oxford University Press, 2011. Fredman S., «Comparative study of antidiscrimination and equality laws of the US, Canada and South Africa and India», European Commission Directorate General for Justice, 2012, σ. 67 Fredman S., «Redistribution and Recognition: Reconciling Inequalities», South African Journal on Human Rights, 2007, σ. 214 επ. Freedman S.(ed), Discrimination and Human Rights: The Case of Racism, Oxford University Press, 2001 Jammaud, Α. « Du principe d’égalité de traitement des salariés », Droit social, 1987, 2004, σ. 694 επ., Καφτάνης Κ., “Οι θετικές δράσεις. Ορισμένες σκέψεις με αφορμή τις αποφάσεις 6275/1995, 1933/1998, 1917/1998, Ολ. του ΣτΕ”, Κριτ. Επιθ., 1999, σ. 247. Konsta A.M., «Affirmative Action in the United States and Positive Action in the European Union in the Context of Comparative Law», εις Ch. Akrivopoulou, N. Garipidis, Digital Democracy and the Impact of Technology on Governance and Politics, IGI Global, 2013 Kostakopoulou D., “European Union Citizenship: Writing the Future”, European Law Journal, 2007, 623 επ. Κοφίνης Σ., Απαγόρευση των Διακρίσεων. Μεταξύ Ισότητας και Αξιοπρέπειας, Διδ. Διατριβή (υπό δημοσίευση, Νοέμβριος 2014. Κοζύρης Φ., “Προνομιακή μεταχείριση για την πραγμάτωση της ισότητας. Κριτική θεώρηση της αμερικανικής πρακτικής της ‘affirmative Action’”, ΕΕΕυρΔ, 1986, σ. 279 επ. Κoukoulis-Spiliotopoulos S, From Formal to Substantive Gender Equality, Antonis n. Sakkoulas Publications, Athen/Komotini, 2001 Κoukoulis-Spiliotopoulos S , «Greek Repport», σε G. Selenec, L. Senden, Positive Action Measures to Ensure Full Equality in Practice between Men and Women including Company, European Commission, 2012 Kραβαρίτου Γ. Φύλο και Δίκαιο, Εκδ. Παπαζήση 1996 Κραβαρίτου Γ. Εργασία και δικαιώματα της γυναίκας, Εκδ. Σάκκουλα, 1991, Kristié I., «Affirmative Action in the United States and the European Union», Facta Universitatis, Series: Law and Politics, vol. 1/7, 2003, σ. 825 Lochak D., «Reflexions sur la discrimination», Droit social, 1987, σ. 788 επ., Α. Lyon-Caen, Α. «L’égalité en droit du travail», Droit Social, 1990, σ. 69. Loenen T, Rodrigues P. R., Non-Discrimination Law Comparative Perspectives, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1999, σ. 249 επ. ΜcCrudden C., «Rethinking Positive Action», Industrial Law Journal, 1986, 219 McCrudden, S. Prechal, The Concepts of Equality and Non-Discrimination in Europe: A practical approach, European Commission, 2009, σ. 3 επ. Mercat-Bruns M., Discriminations en droit du travail, Dialogue avec la doctrine americane, Dalloz, 2013 Morgan-Foster L., «From Hutchins Hall to Huderabad and Beyon: A comparative Look at Affirmative Action in three Jurisdictions». Wsh. & Lee Race & Ethnic Anc. L.J., 2003, σ. 73 επ., Μπουμπουχερόπουλος Π., Ευθύνη λόγω ηθικής παρενόχλησης στην εργασία, Eκδ. Σάκκουλα, Αθήνα-Θεσσαλονίκη, 2014 Mückenberger, A. Supiot, B. Veneciani, A Manifesto for a Social Europe (Brussels: European Trade Union Institut, 1996), σ. 10 επ. More G., The Principle of Equal Treatment: from Market Unifier to Fundamental Right” εις P Craig and de Búrca (eds) The Evolution of EU Law (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999) at 548 Oppenheimer D.B., Foster S. R. Han S.Y. Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law, Cases, Codes, Constitutions, And Commentary, Foundation Press 2012 Παπαδοπούλου Λ, Θετικές δράσεις του κράτους ως εργαλείο ουσιαστικής ισότητας, 2007, σε []D Peters A., «The Meny Meaning of Equality and Positive Action in Favour of Women under European Community Law-A Conceptual Analysis», European Law Journal, 1996, σ. 177 επ., Porta. J., «Discrimination, égalité et égalité de traitement », RDT, 2011, σ. 290 επ. Renauld, Les discriminations positives, Rev.trim.dr.h., 1997, σ. 426 επ. Rubio-Martin. R., «A New European Parity-Democracy Sex Equality Model and why it won’t Fly in the United States», American Journal of Comparative Law, 2012, σ. 99 επ. Schutter De, Ο. «Chapter Seven, Postive Action», σε D. Schiek, L.Waddington, Μ. Bell, Non Discrimination Law, Hart Publishing, 2007, σ. 757 επ., Shiek D., Waddigton L.D., M. Bell (eds), Materials and Text on National, Supranational and International Non- Discrimination Law, Hart Publishing, Oxford University Press,2007 Shiek D., Chege V. (Eds), European Union Non-Discrimination Law, Comparative perspectives on multidimensional equality Law, Routledge-Cavendish, 2009 Shiek D. Lawson A, European Union Non-Discrimination Law and Intersectionality, Ashgate, 2011 Schiek, “Broadening the scope and the norms of EU gender equality. Towards a multidimensional conception of equality law”, MJ,, 2005. 427-466. Schiek D., «Positive Action in Community Law», Industrial Law Journal, 1996, σ. 239, της ιδίας, «Positive Action before the European Court of Justice-New Conceptions of Equality in Community Law? From Kalanke and Marschall to Badeck», International Jounral for Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 2000, 251-275, Sargeant M (ed), Age Discrimination and Diversity. Multiple Discrimination from an Age Perspective, Cambridge University Press, 2011 Somek A., Engineering Equality. An Essay on European-Anti-Discrimination Law, Σταθόπουλος Μ, «Η αρχή της ισότητας στο δίκαιο των συμβάσεων «, ΚριτΕ, 1999/1, σ. 13 επ. Thüssing G., Arbeitsrechtlicher Diskriminierungsschutz, Das Allgemeine Gleichbehandlungsgesetz und andere arbeitsrechtliche Benachteiligungsverbote, C.H. Beck, 2007 Totten Ch. D., «Constitutional Precommitments to Gender Affirmative Action in the European Union, Germany, Canada and United States: A Comparative Approach», Berkley Journal of International Law, 27 (2003) Vickers L., Religious Freedom, Religious Discrimination and the Workplace, Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland Oregon, 2008 Western P., The Empty Idea of Equality, Harvard Law Review, 1982, σ. 537, S. Fredman, Discrimination Law, ό.π. σ. 9-11. Yotopoulos-Marangopoulos Α., Le mesures positives. Pour une égalité effective des sexes, Σάκκουλας/ Bruylant, 1998, σ. 87 επ., Young Μ, Justice and the Politics of Difference, Princeton University Press, 1990 Zippel K., The Politics of Sexual Harassement, A comparative study of the United States, the European Union and Germany, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
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