Learning Outcomes
Preparation,development and processing of the thesis. The canditate throughout the act and investigation of the chosen theme,creates and presents his visual preposition as a unite.
He elaborates throughout the free visual act and the various plastic techniques his thematic,aiming with professionalism so that the result corresponds satisfactorily at the demands of modern artistic creation.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The study,elaboration and presentation of the thesis,aims at the development of knowledge,the accumulation,comprehension and conquest,throughout the act,the research and substantial dialogue between instructor and students,of the various means of expression of the visual language.
At the development of their skills through act,experimentation and their personal pursuit.
At the ability to resolve issues that occur, so that they can achieve effectively their goal.
To develop the ability of critical thought through the artistic pursuit.
To present a complete thematic unit both as a form as well as a content,with profetionalism, so that their produced visual
work corresponds satisfactorily at the demands of modern artistic creation.