Learning Outcomes
The course is a basic introductional lesson regarding the principles of motor learning. The course aims to the students' introduction to the fundamentalconcepts of motor learniing, the relationship between perceptual patterns in human performance, the cognitive startegies and the feedback in teaching and developing motor skills in order the whole picture of learning and development of motor skills to be acquired and as a result motor learning difficulties to be dealt (motor clumsiness). The student acquires a general idea about the procedures and methodologies in motor skill learning and the course is a base for development of methodologies in certain lessons. Finally, an aim of the course is the understaning of the usefulness in implementing the principles iof motor learning in a certain scientific field.
With the successful completion of the course the student will be able to:
• understand the basic principles of motor learning in order to combine them in teaching motor skilss
• Acquires knowledge in procedures and methods that are used for developing the skillful movement, however, in cases that there are motor learning difficulties, that are scientifically sound and include the most modern progress in this field.
• to discriminate the certain motor characteristics in a case study and implement the appropriate motor skill program
• use certain motor learning methodologies and procedures (feedback, organizing the practce environment, presentation of the motor skill, methods for improving memory) choosing the most appropriate, also in cases with difficulty in learning, with professionalism in finding solutions in the field of motor learning.
• Analyze and calculate the basic variables (quantity and frequency of feedback)for motor skill learning
Collect and Translate motor learning features and make judges on a scientific issue (e.g. perceptual patterns and how they affect the motor development - motor coordinatin difficulties)
• cooperate with other students in developing and presenting motor skills teaching plan in a case study (use of feedback, learning -practice environment, presentation of a new motor skill, improvement in memory)
• present information, ideas, problems and solutions in a specific and non specific audience
Develop the knowledge skills for continuing studies in a postgraduate level, autonomously
Course Content (Syllabus)
Examination and analysis of the basic issues regarding motor learning (basic theories, motor control and patterns, reaction time, proprioception, coordination, balance)
assessment of motor learning
individual differences - terms of ability and skill
Stages of learning and transfer of learning - memory and attention, feedback
Duration and distribution of practice - organization of practice,development of practice environment.
Introduction in the development of motor skills and identification of movement difficulties (developmental coordination disorder)
motor learning, feedback, memory, DCD, attention
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Schmidt, R.A. & Weisberg, C. (2009). Κινητική μάθηση και απόδοση: μια εφαρμοσμένη προσέγγιση (μετάφρ. Σκορδαλά, Μ.) Αθλότυπο, Αθήνα.
Rose, D. (1998). Κινητική μάθηση και κινητικός έλεγχος. University Studio Press, Θεσ/νίκη.
Κουτσούκη, Δ. (1998). Κινητικές διαταραχές και εξέλιξη. Αθλότυπο, Αθήνα.
Κιουμουρτζόγλου, Ε. (2007). Η φυσική αγωγή στην αρχή του 21ου αιώνα: σκοποί-στόχοι-επιδιώξεις- θεωρητικές προσεγγίσεις. Χριστοδουλίδης, Θεσ/νίκη.