Learning Outcomes
Students will have the chance to gain a deeply knowledge of psychological terms and objects as elements of the knowledge of a man. Through this course (the integration of theory and practise), students will come in touch with the therapeutic concept of the neptic theology and tradition and how these elements are related to the Modern Pastoral Therapeutic.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The content of this course is studying of neptic theology's issues related to modern phainomena/expresions of believers' psychological world.
1) Introduction of the subject and its purpose. Presentation of work shop’s assignments and guidelines for their completion. Information on bibliography.
2) The Ladder of Divine Ascent of St. John Climacus and the curative pastoral.
3) The Spiritual Speeches of Aba Macarius and the latest identity of church life.
4) Maximus Omologitis the ‘precursor’ of Pastoral Psychology.
5) Pastoral through epistles (Great Vasilios, Chrysostom, IsidorPilousiotis, Aba Nilos) and the psychological content of their writings.
6) Spiritual advising (Counselling) and Psychological counselling today. Coordination, opposition or isolation.
7) The complex and pastor’s ability to deal with it.
8) Fearful consciousness and the spiritual intervention (the issue of the unforgivable sin).
9) ‘Angelismos’. The heal of the curator.
10) The psychology of isolation and the pastoral perspective of it.
11) The institutionalisation and its cure.
12) The perspectives and goals of a new coordination (multifactor pastoral intervention)
Pastoral dialogue, Pastoral care, priesthood, courator