Learning Outcomes
With the successful completion of the course, students will be able to solve economic problems, structured and unstructured, and will have acquired knowledge of the fundamental concepts of economic analysis and production economics, including concepts such as economic efficiency, a methodology of economics, use of hypotheses in economics, production possibilities curves, absolute and comparative advantage, opportunity cost, mechanism and market equilibrium, elasticity of demand and supply, market efficiency, consumers and producers, international trade.
Course Content (Syllabus)
economic efficiency, a methodology of economics, use of hypotheses in economics, production possibilities curves, absolute and comparative advantage, opportunity cost, mechanism and market equilibrium, the elasticity of demand and supply, market efficiency, consumers and producers, international trade.
microeconomics, macroeconomics, production economics, economic analysis
Additional bibliography for study
Gregory Mankiw, Mark Taylor: Αρχές Οικονομικής Θεωρίας, Με αναφορά στις Ευρωπαϊκές Οικονομίες. Μετάφραση: Ανδριάνα Σακκά. Επιμέλεια: Θεόδωρος Λιανός. Copyright © 2011 Εκδόσεις GUTENBERG.
Parkin Michael, Powell Melanie, Matthews Kent: Αρχές Οικονομικής. Μετάφραση: Σιδέρης Γιάννης, Αντώνογλου Ελεάννα. Επιμέλεια: Μίνογλου Μάγγη. Copyright © 2013 Εκδόσεις Κριτική ΑΕ.
Begg David, Dornbusch Rudiger, Fischer Stanley: Εισαγωγή στην Οικονομική. Μετάφραση: Πανταζίδης Σ., Ρούσσος Ν., Σακκά Α. Επιμέλεια: Μίνογλου Θέμις. Copyright © 2006 Εκδόσεις Κριτική ΑΕ.
Mankiw, G., 2011. Principles of Economics. South-western Cengage Learning.