Learning Outcomes
The aim of the course is to provide the students with an in depth knowledge of the regulation of family relations and their connection to the evolving social reality. After successfully attending the course the students shall be able to express their opinion on legal as well as on bio-ethical or social issues and to hold a relevant scientific discussion.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Family Law and its capacity to adapt to social changes.- Current legal developments.- PRIVATE AUTONOMY of the spouses and equality of sexex in current family relations (parental care, maintenance, family home, claim for the acquests during marriage)- MEDICALLY ASSISTED REPRODUCTION and its impact on the law of kinship (laws 3089/2002, 3305/2005), the right to reproduce, issues regarding the circulation of genetic material and the anonymity of the donot of genetic material, their significance for kinship in cases of reproduction with genetic material of third donors, surrogate motherhood and post morten FERTILISATION. – FAMILY VIOLENCE in Civil law, in Criminal Law and in Criminal Procedural Law (Law 3500/2006).- The notion of family, the protected persons and the distinctions of violence- Monetary satisfaction of the victim and the (special) protection measures – The criminal mediation and its relation to the right to divorce.- THE COHABITATION AGREEMENT (Law. 3179/2008).- Formalities for its conclusion,valitity prerequisites and nullity.- Its content for the property relations of the cohabitants and the right to maintenance. – Their relations to their children.- Kinship and parental care. – The succession rights of the cohabitants.- Issues of interpretation.