Learning Outcomes
After completing the course students will understand the basic concepts of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, as well as the mechanism of action, clinical relevance and indications, efficacy, contra-indications, adverse reactions, drug-drug interactions, and toxicity of drugs affecting the ANS, CNS, cardiovascular, hematopoietic systems, endocrine, gastrointestinal, and immune systems, as well as chemotherapeuticals, anti-inflammatory drugs and antidotes, in humans.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Introduction in Pharmacology, terminology, principles of pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion), pharmacodynamics (receptors), pharmacology of the autonomic nervous system (cholinergic agonists/antagonists, adrenergic agonists/antagonists), pharmacology of the central nervous system (anxiolytics, hypnotics, antiepileptic drugs, stimulants, anesthetics, antidepressive drugs, neuroleptic drugs, opioids), cardiovascular pharmacology: (Only the Table with categories of vasodilators drugs, Haemostasis and Thrombosis drugs. Pharmacology of the endocrine, gastrointestinal and immune systems, chemotherapy for cancer and for bacterial, virus, fungal and parasitic infections, skin pharmacology, vitamins, trace elements and antidotes, drug dependence, and drug prescribing, in humans.
pharmacological definitions, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, agonist, antagonist, adrenergic, cholinergic, CNS, cardiovascular, systematic pharmacology, chemotherapy, indications, contraindications, mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, side effects, poisoning antidotes.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1ο «Φαρμακολογία» H.P. RANG, M.M. DALE, J.M. RITTER, P.K. MOORE, Εκδόσεις Παρισιάνου Aθήνα, 2014. 2ο Φαρμακολογία, R.A. HARVEY, K. Whalen, Εκδόσεις Παρισιάνου, Αθήνα 2015, 3ο Ιατρική Φαρμακολογία με μια ματιά, M.J. NEAL, Εκδόσεις Παρισιάνου, Αθήνα 2010, 4ο ΒΑΣΙΚΗ και ΚΛΙΝΙΚΗ ΦΑΡΜΑΚΟΛΟΓΙΑ, KATZUNG B. BROKEN HILL PUBLISHERS LTD, Αθήνα 2009, 5ο Η Φαρμακολογική βάση της Θεραπευτικής, GGODMAN & GILMANS ΦΑΡΜΑΚΟΛΟΓΙΑ, L. BRUNTON, B.CHBNER, B.KNOLLMAN, BROKEN HILL PUBLISHERS LTD, Αθήνα 2015.