Learning Outcomes
The students learn the principal elements of Nuclear Physics in order to understand the applications of Nuclear Technology. The courses are arranged and developed in order to train engineers rather than physicists and assuming that the student has no previous knowledge of nuclear physics.
Upon completion, students should:
• Be familiar with the natural radioactive decay and interactions of radiation with matter.
• Be familiar with the reactions with neutrons, the cross sections of reactions and relationships for the reaction rates.
• Be familiar with fission , fissionable materials and the slow down of neutrons.
• Be familiar with the principles and instruments of detection and measurement of radiation.
• Be familiar with the basic principles of radiation protection.
• Be able to make radiation shielding calculations
Course Content (Syllabus)
Introduction to Nuclear Physics : Radioactivity and binding energy of the nucleus . Nuclear reactions and reaction cross sections. Fission and Fusion . Interaction of radiation with matter .Detection and measurement of radiation. Applications of Nuclear Technology in Science , Industry and Health. Environmental Pollution. Biological effects of radiation. Dosimetry . Radiation shielding calculations.