Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students should:
a) know the operation of the transformers and direct-current machines,
b) know construction details of the transformers and direct-current machines,
c) be able to analyze the operation of the machines through the respective equivalent circuits,
d) know basic design elements of the transformers and direct-current machines,
e) be able to experimentally determine the parameters of the machines' equivalent circuits.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Introduction to electric machinery principles. Production of a magnetic field, magnetic behavior of ferromagnetic materials, magnetically coupled circuits, energy losses, production of induced voltage and induced force. Transformers (theory and equivalent circuit). Direct current electric machines (principle operation and construction, commutation and armature construction, rotor windings, problems with commutation and solutions, power flow and losses in dc machines, dc generators and motors, equivalent circuit, dc machines characteristic curves, control of terminal voltage and rotor speed. Introduction to the AC electrical machines (introduction to the induction and synchronous machines, rotating magnetic field , introduction to the control techniques of the AC electrical machines).
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1)Ηλεκτρικές μηχανές ac-dc, Chapman Stephen J.
2)Ηλεκτρικές μηχανές, Τόμος I, Ξυπτεράς Γιάννης
3)Ηλεκτρικές Μηχανές, Hubert Charles I.
4)ΗΛΕΚΤΡΙΚΕΣ ΜΗΧΑΝΕΣ, Fitzgerald,Kingsley,Umans