Learning Outcomes
At course conclusion the students will be able to do the following.
1. Solve specific game types (two player zero sum games, two player games in extensive form, repeated two player games, pursuit evasion games) using analytical and computational methods.
2. Use basic game solving software (Gambit, Game Theory Explorer, Maple Game Theory Toolbox).
3. Apply Game Theory concepts in modeling of engineering problems.
In addition, the students will have formed an clear intuition regarding the basic Game Theory concepts.
Course Content (Syllabus)
This course is an introduction to Game Theory. After presenting the fundamentals of the theory, emphasis is placed on Electrical Engineering applications (communications, networks, agents, robotics, electrical energy). The following topics will be covered.
1. Mathematical definition of games (in normal and extensive form) and their solutions. Zero-sum and non-zero-sum games of two and N players.
2. Minimax solution an dNash equilibrium.
3. Learning, evolution and computability.
4. Stochastic games, repeated games, mixed and behavioral strategies.
5. Applications
5.1 Pursuit evasion games in robotics.
5.2 Communications.
5.3 Routing in computer networks.
5.4 Electrical energy pricing.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1. Martin J. Osborne, Εισαγωγή στη θεωρία παιγνίων, Κλειδάριθμος (2010). ISBN: 9789604613939.
2. Ευάγγελος Φ. Μαγείρου, Παίγνια και αποφάσεις, 2009, ISBN: 9789609310727.
3. Μηλολιδάκης Κωστής , Θεωρία παιγνίων: Μαθηματικά μοντέλα σύγκρουσης και συνεργασίας, Σοφία (2009). ISBN: 960-6706-30-3