Learning Outcomes
*To conceive the most important key - notions of philosophy or religion.
* To learn to distinguish the different concepts of philosophy of religion, the one from the other.
* To learn how to think by virtue of the theological terms.
* To learn how to analyze the theological concepts.
* To learn how to formulate syllogisms in theological - ontological terms and reach correct and acceptable conclusions.
Course Content (Syllabus)
In this series of lectures we examine the assumptions that Kant puts forward in his book, Lectures for a philosophical teaching of religion, in order to prepare the ground for moving from a natural theology to a religion of reason. this transition had been prepared in his three Critiques, especially in his Critique of Practical Reason. In these lectures we will investigate the criticism that Kant addresses against the traditional arguments for the proof of the existence of God, and by and large the traditional metaphysics, and we will analyze the kind of critical metaphysics he proposes in virtue of which he can argue for "a religion within the boundaries of reason alone".
Ontotheology, cosmotheology, physiotheology, moral theology, Immanuel Kant.