Learning Outcomes
Students learn Hebrew grammatical structure and vocabulary in order to be enable to study independently simple Old Testament texts from the original, which is a prerequisite for a better understanding and interpretation of the Old Testamental human- / worldview, religion and theology.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Analysis of important grammatical phenomena, learning of basic vocabulary and theological terms and translation of simple sentences from Hebrew into Greek and vice versa.
1. Introduction: History of Hebrew Language, basic literature.
2. Hebrew alphabet I
3. Hebrew alphabet II
4. Article, Conjuctions, Prepositions
5. Pronouns
6. Pronominal suffixes
7. Numerals
8.Nouns I
9. Nouns II
10. Adjectives
11. Verbs I
12. Verbs II
13. Verbs III
Additional bibliography for study
Β.Μ. Βέλλα, Γραμματική τῆς Ἑβραϊκής Γλώσσης, ΟΕΔΒ, Ἀθήνα 1984.
E. Jenni, Lehrbuch der hebräischen Sprache des Alten Testaments, Basel 2003.
W. Gesenius, Hebrew Grammar: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Gesenius%27_Hebrew_Grammar
W. Gesenius, Hebrew Lexicon: http://www.tyndalearchive.com/TABS/Gesenius/