Learning Outcomes
Students learn
a) to explore how the Old Testament met and interacted with its cultural environment from the beginnings until the Hellenistic Times,
b)to examine language, imagery, and ideas of theologically, cosmologically, anthropologically, and soteriologically interesting texts from the Old Testament, Ancient Near East and Ancient Greece, which present linguistic, formal and content analogies.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Epic of Gilgamesh, Odyssee and the Old Testament
1. Urgeschichte
2. The Book of Job
3. Epic of Gilgamesh
4. Homer, Odyssee
5. Gen 1 and parallels in Job and Gilgamesh
6. Gen 1 and parallels in Homers Odyssee
7. Gen 2 and parallels in Job and Gilgamesh
8. Gen 2 and parallels in Homers Odyssee
9. Gen 3 and parallels in Job and Gilgamesh
10. Gen 3 and parallels in Homers Odyssee
11. Gen 4 and parallels in Job and Gilgamesh
12. Gen 4 and parallels in Homers Odyssee
13. Results
Old Testament, Masoretic text, Septuagint, Epic of Gilgamesh, Homer
Additional bibliography for study
Ομήρου, Οδύσσεια, Θ.Μ. Μαυρόπουλου πρόλογος, εισαγωγή, μετάφραση, σχόλια, περιλήψεις, υλικό διδακτικής επεξεργασίας κατά ραψωδίες Θεσσαλονίκη 2010.