Learning Outcomes
The course presents systematically the modern methods of quality assurance placing special emphasis on the techiques of Statistical Quality Control (SQC). After the successful completion of the course the students should:
- know the evolution, main principles and differences of quality control, quality assurance, and quality management,
- be familiar with the concept of quality cost and the various types of quality improvement methods,
- know the various acceptance sampling schemes and their properties,
- know the main types of control charts and their properties,
- be able to handle and solve problems related to control and assurance of quality of products and processes by means of scientifically rigorous quantitative methods.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Introduction: brief history of quality methodology, quality management, quality costs, methods for quality improvement.
Acceptance sampling: lot-by-lot acceptance sampling for attributes, single, double and multiple sampling plans, statistical and economic design.
Statistical Process Control: capability analysis, control charts for attributes and variables, statistical and economic design.
Quality Improvement with Statistical Experiments: using designed experiments in quality improvement. Taguchi methods.
Planning, organising and developing quality systems for industry.
The final grade M is a combination of the grades in the final written examination (T), the midterm examination (Π) and the project/homework (E) as follows:
• If either Τ < 4,5 or (Τ+Π)/2 < 4, then the final grade is Μ = (0,8)Τ.
• In every other case the final grade is Μ = max {(0,6)Τ + (0,3)Π + (0,2)Ε, (0,8)T}.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1. Ταγαράς, Γ.Ν. "Στατιστικός Έλεγχος Ποιότητας", εκδ. Ζήτη, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2001.
2. Λογοθέτης, Ν. "Μάνατζμεντ Ολικής Ποιότητας", εκδ. Interbooks, Αθήνα, 2005.
3. Παπαργύρης, Α.Δ. και Παπαργύρης, Δ.Α. "Ποιοτικός έλεγχος παραγωγής", εκδ. Ζήτη, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2010.