Learning Outcomes
After the successful completion of this course, students will be able:
to design teaching concepts and phenomena of physics,
to implement the planned teaching in peer teaching,
to adopt the instruction goals,
to search and choose the most appropriate means to support every activity of their teaching,
to be aware of the role of alternative conceptions of students, for which the teaching is planned,
to apply experimental design into their teaching,
to choose suitable digital media for their teaching,
to exercise constructive criticism in implementing the teachings of their classmates and
be self-critical in teaching implemented.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The aims of the course are to provide students with instructional designing skills and be able to implement and evaluate lessons of Physics.
• Visualizing concepts - Sensory perception,
• Aims and objectives of teaching,
• Designing Lesson’s Plan,
• Evaluation of teaching.
Students can choose a physics topic, which they analyze and present to their classmates and subsequent discussion in the selection of teaching aids and methods to support teaching,
in designing and development of instructional media and experiments, in designing and implementing of educational activities and lesson’s plan, in developing worksheet, in reflection and in evaluation and self-evaluation.
During the course (formative and summative up to 80%):
Knowledge, understanding and applying instructional design principles to their teaching,
Handling, precision and skill in the application and implementation of experimental activities,
Ability to self-evaluation of teaching which they implemented,
Ability to evaluate the teachings of their classmates,
Ability to defend their arguments.
After completion of the course (summative up to 20%):
Written examination on problem solving and
Design teaching concepts of Physics.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Πέντε εύκολα μαθήματα, του Knight Randall, εκδ. Δίαυλος
Η οικοδόμηση των εννοιών στη Φυσική, των Lemeignan Gerard & Weil-Barais Annick, εκδ. Τυπωθήτω
Μονοπάτια της σκέψης στον κόσμο της Φυσικής, Κουμαράς Παναγιώτης, 2015, εκδ. GUTENBERG