Learning Outcomes
The course aims at familiarizing students with 19th century European theoretical philosophy and early 20th century epistemology. Upon completion of the course, students should
• Know the basic problems of post-Kantian theoretical philosophy as they were inhererited from Kantian philosophy, as well as the main traits of early 20th century phenomenological epistemology.
• Have acquired a deeper knowledge and understanding of the dialectical character of the attempts on systematization of the relation between knowledge and being.
• Be able to apply the concepts of 19th century epistemology in the analysis of contemporary problems of the theory of knowledge and ontology.
• Be able to compare contemporary approaches to epistemology with those of 19th and early 20th century.
• Be able to critique such approaches and, reversely, to critique 19th century theory from their standpoint.
• Be able to critically analyze and reconstruct contemporary problems in epistemology and ontology on the basis of philosophical concepts.
Course Content (Syllabus)
These lectures refer to the basic currents of the theoretical philosophy of the 19th century in Europe, and to the transition to the problematic of theoretical philosophy in early 20th century. The philosophy of the 19th century further develops critical philosophy as expressed in the philosophical investigations of the 18th century which experienced their peak in Kantian philosophy. Apart from recurring on the modern critique of metaphysics and dogmatism, the theoretical philosophy of the 19th century searched for a composite form of reason as a fundament of the relation between knowledge and truth. Such investigations were often divided in regard to the question about the possibility of the systematization of elements of possible experience. The dilemmas of this problematic accompanied the transition to the theoretical philosophy of the 20th century. During the lectures we will discuss issues of Kantian and post-Kantian idealist philosophy, representative cases of the critique of theoretical systematization in the 19th century, and the reformulation of 19th century theoretical dilemmas in the philosophical current of phenomenology in early 20th century.
Theoretical philosophy, Kant, post-Kantian idealism, anti-systematic philosophy, phenomenology
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Friedrich Wilchelm Joseph Schelling, Σύστημα του Υπερβατολογικού Ιδεαλισμού, μτφρ., επίμετρο Π. Δάφνος, πρόλογος, εισαγωγή, επιμ. μετάφρασης Θ. Πενολίδης, Κράτερος: Αθήνα 2015.
Ντήτερ Χένριχ, Μεταξύ Καντ και Χέγκελ. Διαλέξεις για τον γερμανικό ιδεαλισμό, μτφρ. Θ. Δρίτσας, Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης: Ηράκλειο 2018.
Additional bibliography for study
Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Θεμέλιο της σύνολης Επιστημολογίας, πρόλογος, εισαγωγή, μτφρ., σχόλια Θ. Πενολίδης, Κράτερος: Αθήνα 2017.
Robert Sokolowski, Εισαγωγή στη Φαινομενολογία, μτφρ. Π. Κόντος, Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Πατρών: Πάτρα 2003.
Νίκος Αυγελής, Εισαγωγή στη Φιλοσοφία: Σταμούλη, Θεσσαλονίκη 2019.
Σταυρούλα Τσινόρεμα, Γλωσσα και κριτική. Ο Wittgenstein για το νόημα, τη γνώση και τις αξίες, Liberal books:Αθήνα 2014