Learning Outcomes
The course studies the formation and the development of Western Medieval Europa (5th-15th c.). The students will be acquainted with a) the political processes that formed the medieval political entities, b) basic elements of medieval political thought, c) aspects of social and economical systems, and d) research methods and relevant historiographical debates. Moreover, the course aims at sharpening the students' skills in interpreting complex historical events, like the transition processes from the Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages, as well as those from the Late Middle Ages to the Early Modern Era.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Week #1 Introduction. Temporal and geographical limits. Medieval perceptions of time and place. Sources for the study of medieval history.
Week #2 Western Europe in early medieval ages (5th-10th c.): Romans and “Barbarians”. The invasion of the German tribes in the western part of the Empire and the formation of medieval kingdoms. The role of the Church. .
Week #3 Western Europe in early medieval ages (5th-10th c.): Political, ethnic and cultural identities in Middle Ages.
Week #4 Western Europe in early medieval ages (5th-10th c.): society and economy
Week #5 Western Europe in early medieval ages (5th-10th c.): society and economy
Week #6 Western Europe in early medieval ages (5th-10th c.): The Frankish Kingdom and the Byzantine Empire. The new “invasions” (Normans, Arabs, Magyars): perception of the Other and assimilation processes
Week #7 Western Europe in high middle ages (11th-13th c.): feudalism and social transformations. The investiture controversy and the Roman Church.
Week #8 Western Europe in high middle ages (11th-13th c.): Crusades
Week #9 Western Europe in high middle ages (11th-13th c.): society and economy (the trade expansion, the emergence of medieval town and the medieval civic culture)
Week #10 Western Europe in late middle ages (14th-15th c.): Political developments in the medieval kingdoms. The “Black Death” (1348) and its social and economic consequences
Week #11 Western Europe in late middle ages (14th-15th c.): The origins of the absolute monarchy and the representative institutions. Changes in the religious expression.
Week #12 Western Europe in late middle ages (14th-15th c.): the Italian renaissance and the formation of new intellectual horizons. The shaping of the term “medieval”. The new historical thought.
Week #13 General overview of the subject
Medieval History, Western Empire, Roman Church, civic communities
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Davis R.H.C./Moore R.I., Ιστορία της Μεσαιωνικής Ευρώπης από τον Μέγα Κωνσταντίνο στον Άγιο Λουδοβίκο, Αθήνα 2011.
2. Nicholas David, Η εξέλιξη του μεσαιωνικού κόσμου, μετάφρ. Μ. Τζιάντζη, Αθήνα 1999.
Additional bibliography for study
• Μπενβενίστε Ρ., Από τους Βαρβάρους στους Μοντέρνους. Κοινωνική ιστορία και ιστοριογραφικά προβλήματα της μεσαιωνικής Δύσης, Αθήνα 2007.
• Bloch M., Η φεουδαλική κοινωνία. Η διαμόρφωση των σχέσεων εξάρτησης. Οι τάξεις και η διακυβέρνηση των ανθρώπων, μετάφρ. Μ. Λυκούδης, Αθήνα 1987.
• Oldridge D., Παράξενες ιστορίες του Μεσαίωνα, μετάφρ. Δ. Γαβριηλίδου, Αθήνα 2014.
• Harris J., Το Βυζάντιο και οι Σταυροφορίες, μετάφρ. Λ. Καρατζάς, Αθήνα 2004.
• Καραπιδάκης Ν., Ιστορία της Μεσαιωνικής Δύσης 5ος – 11ος αι., Αθήνα 1996.
• Le Goff J., Η Ευρώπη γεννήθηκε τον Μεσαίωνα;, μετάφρ. Ε. Ζέη, Αθήνα 2006.
• Le Goff J., Ο πολιτισμός της μεσαιωνικής Δύσης, μετάφρ. Ρ. Μπενβενίστε, Θεσσαλονίκη 1993.
• Smith J., Η Ευρώπη μετά τη Ρώμη. Μια νέα πολιτισμική ιστορία, μετάφρ. Ν. Κούτρας, Αθήνα 2008