General Prerequisites
The discipline offered in Cinematography is structured around nine thematic courses that deal with technique, aesthetics, the history and the evolution of moving images, as far as direction of photography is concerned. We emphasize on the narrative possibilities that arise from the creative use of composition, lighting and camera movement. The cinematography courses are based on artistic classes with a workshop approach, dealing with shooting techniques through exercises that apply, a practical training experience on camera composition and movement as well as lighting. Lessons are structured and presented by directors of photography, Lecturer Panos Salapatas and Ass. Professor Dimitris Theodoropoulos. There are useful information and notes about the department and the courses both on the e-blackboard platform offered by AUTH and the instructors’ web sites: &
More on the required exercises and a brief description of the 4th year courses:
Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, the students will be able to:
1. use the techniques of frame composition, movement and lighting.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Use of HD and motion picture cameras (film). A creative use of all the techniques acquired on previous semesters through the shooting on film and HD, of exercises focusing on lighting and composition. An original scene has to be shot in a confined space such as a car or a phone booth, based on an unfinished project by Orson Welles, included in the documentary, Orson Welles one man band, 1995
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
• Θεοδωρόπουλος Δ., Το Φως στον Ελληνικό Κινηματογράφο,
Αιγόκερως, 2009.
• Ecco Umberto, Ιστορία της ασχήμιας, Καστανιώτης, 2004.
• Χάρης Σαββόπουλος, Ερμηνείες του πραγματικού. H σύγχρονη
τέχνη στη δεκαετία του 1980, Πλέθρον, 2009
• Παπαστάθης Λάκης, Όταν ο Δαμιανός γύριζε την Ευδοκία,
Πατάκης, 2006.
• Κουνέλλης Γιάννης, Λιμναία Οδύσσεια, Άγρα, 1991
• Siety Emmanuel, Το πλάνο, Πατάκης, 2007.
• Σκοπετέας Γιάννης, Η βιντεοκάμερα και η οπτικοακουστική
καταγραφή, εκδόσεις περιοδικού Φωτογράφος, 2010.
• Zettl Herbert, Εφαρμοσμένη Αισθητική στην Τηλεόραση και τον
Κινηματογράφο: Εικόνα, Ηχος, Κίνηση, Γ. Παροίκος & ΣΙΑ ΕΕ,