Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. develop the ability to design volumes, planes, and space from a human model and objects’ composition in the studio with a different light source.
2. render the human figure and the objects’ composition with materials such as charcoal, acrylics, pencil, and ink, etc.
3. Understand concepts such as form, space, rhythm, intensity, dynamics, contrast, balance, and abstract composition.
4. investigate the human body movement and its development in space.
5. study in-depth the human figure from a human model, through three-dimensional plastic sketches with clay (terracotta) and study of introductory elements for anatomy.
6. have the ability to render, levels, volumes, negative and positive space in the human figure.
7. adapt in a small scale maquette, a life-size sculpture concept, through draft drawings and plastic sketches in clay (bozzetto/terracotta).
8. Understand the multiple ways of human figure depictions through art history with an emphasis on contemporary sculpture.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The class includes drawing practice in rendering form and space through studio exercises from observation on a human model and objects’ composition with natural and artificial light. Drawing exercises on different paper sizes from the human model and objects set in the studio, with various materials such as charcoal, ink, acrylic, pencil, etc. The emphasis is set on the observation of 3d forms in space and terms like form, space, rhythm, tension, contrast, balance, and abstraction. Research in rendering the movement of the human body in space. Introductory seminars on human anatomy and plastic sketches with clay (terracotta) from a prominently displayed human model.
Plastic sketches exercises that focus on rendering, planes, form, and negative and positive space in human figures.
Small scale maquette adaptations of a life-size sculpture concept, through draft drawings and plastic sketches in clay (bozzetto/terracotta). Seminars that refer to human figure depiction through art history mainly focused on contemporary sculpture.
Drawing, plastic sketches, clay (terracotta), maquette
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Βιβλίο [10345]: Μελέτες Εικονολογίας, Έρβιν Πανόφσκι
Βιβλίο [8852]: Ο μηχανικός του χαμένου χρόνου, Ντυσάν Μαρσέλ
Βιβλίο [39216]: Art Book, Συλλογικό