Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to:
• Expand their skills and the monitoring of plastic arts which refer to the intaglio and printmaking processes (such as Sugar-Lift, Soft-Ground, Chine-Collé, Dry Point) in order to focus on their preference and develop an enriched individual vocabulary.
• Get involved with concepts (such as the archive, ephemeral, futile, familiar-unfamiliar, and so on) which have to do with the ready-made image, object or/and the handling of heterogenous elements during the development of a composition.
• Identify with the metaplastic capabilities of intaglio processes and start breaking them down in view of image deconstruction and reconstruction.
• Get inducted to health & safety matters and workshop safety guidelines, as far as it concerns, individual use of specific tools and equipment.
Course Content (Syllabus)
In this course students will expand their knowledge and practice further on Intaglio Etching and Dry-Point processes through lectures and inductions into Sugar-Lift, Soft-Ground and Chine-Collé techniques. The courses consist of a series of scheduled workshop projects, which are based either on drawing studies that lean on observation and visual memory or on the discourse of the ready-made image/object in comparison/conversation/juxtaposition to analogue drawing, and according to how these concepts have being formulated by art movements of the 20th and 21st century, as well as, how they have been articulated on famous artworks as seen at international exhibitions and printmaking biennales.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Βιβλίο 1 Έννοιες της Μοντέρνας Τέχνης Παππάς Ανδρέας,Στάγκος Νίκος ΜΟΡΦΩΤΙΚΟ ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΕΘΝΙΚΗΣ ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑΣ (Μ.Ι.Ε.Τ.) 2010
Βιβλίο 2 Ελληνομουσείο, Τόμος Α'. Έξι αιώνες ελληνικής Ζωγραφικής , Μάνος Στεφανίδης ΤΡΟΙΑ (ΜΙΛΗΤΟΣ), 2001, Αθήνα