Course Content (Syllabus)
The object of study of Sociology of Law and of Legal Sociology . A discussion of the communication between Legal Science and Sociology. Substantiating the unity of the three-dimensional research field of Sociology of Law. The three principles or axioms on which Legal Sociology as a realistic Legal Science is founded. The sources of law. The methods of legal interpretation and the teleological method as an interpretative framework. Legal state positivism and the pure theory of Law. The three theories of social contract (Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau). The various aspects of Natural Law. Tracing the history of the development of Sociology of Law and Legal Sociology as an internal necessity of Legal Science in the legal orders of Greece, France, Germany and the Common Law countries. The logical necessity of transcending the limited field/perspective of concept-based legal state positivism (through the study of specific examples from theory and case law in the following branches of Legal Science: Competitive Law, Employment Law, Public Law, Penal Law and Family Law). The integration of Sociology of Law and Legal Sociology in the context of a Legal Science with an enlarged object of study. Defining Law as a system of relationships between rules and behavior under increased probabilities of intervention of a judicial subsystem. The concept and the idea of justice in ancient Greek authors and in our contemporary legal scholars. The methodological consequences deriving from the development of Legal Science as a Social Science. Law as a system of communication and its study in the context of semiotic science. Law as a system of control of human behavior and its study in the context of cybernetics. Paradigms of sociological approaches to the relationships between legal rules on the one hand and the economy, politics and culture on the other: Historical materialism, organicism, functionalism, critical functionalism, structural functionalism, understanding sociology (verstehende Soziologie). Special sociologies of Law (legislative Sociology of Law, Legal Sociology of adjudication, Legal Sociology of the legal professions etc.). Special topics in Sociology of Law: Legal pluralism, the legal socialization of individuals, legal acculturation, the relationship between individual freedom and social coercion, social justice and economic efficiency, individual freedom and social equality, etc. The contribution of Sociology of Law to legal interpretation, legal argumentation and negotiation. Hard Law, soft Law (“flexible Droit”), and and non official law (“sous droit”) .
Legal realism, sociology, sources of law, natural and positive law, legal orders, legal systems, social contract, justice, pluralism, unintended consequences of legislative action, interdisciplinarity, socio-semiotics, Critical Legal StudiesC
Additional bibliography for study
* Θανάσης Παπαχρίστου, Κοινωνιολογία του Δικαίου (Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Αντ.Ν.Σάκκουλα 1999)
* A.-J. Arnaud, Dictionnaire encyclopédique de théorie et de Sociologie du Droit (Paris-Bruxelles 1988)
* A.-J. Arnaud, Introduction à l’analyse sociologique des systèmes juridiques (Bruxelles: Bruylant 1998)
* Larry Cata Backer, Harmonizing Law in an Era of Globalization: Convergence, Divergence and Resistance (Carolina Academic Press 2007)
* Ulrich Beck, World at Risk (Polity 2008)
* Reza Banakar and Max Travers (eds.), Law and Social Theory (2nd ed. Hart Publishing 2013)
* Gráinne de Búrca, Claire Kilpatrick and Joanne Scott (eds.), Critical Legal Perspectives on Global Governance (Liber Amicorum David M Trubek) (Hart Publishing 2013)
* Jean Carbonnier, Sociologie Juridique (Paris: PUF 1978)
* Roger Cotterrell, The Sociology of Law: An Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2d ed. 2005)
* Raghavendra Dakagkar, Survival Strategies: Cooperation and Conflict in Animal Societies (Harvard University Press 2011)
* M. Deflem, Sociology of Law. Visions of a Scholarly Tradition (Cambridge University Press 2008)
* Sionaidh Douglas-Scott, Law after Modernity (Hart Publishing 2013)
* David Feldman (ed.), Law in Politics, Politics in Law (Hart Publishing 2013)
* V. Ferrari, Λειτουργίες του Δικαίου (Θεσσαλονίκη, εκδ. Σάκκουλα, 1992)
* V. Ferrari, Developing Sociology of Law: A worldwide documentary enquiry (Milano: Dott. A. Giuffré editore 1990)
* Christian Keysers, The Empathic Brain (Social Brain Press 2011)
* Γεώργιος Μιχαηλίδης-Νουάρος, Ζωντανό και Φυσικό Δίκαιο (Αθήνα: Αφοί Σάκκουλα 1982)
* Richard Nobles and David Schiff, Observing Law through Systems Theory (Legal Theory Today) (Hart Publishing 2013)
* Amartya Sen, Inequality Reexamined (Harvard University Press 1995)
* A. Javier Trevino, The Sociology of Law: Classical and Contemporary Perspectives (Law & Society) (Transaction Publishers 2008)
* Reinhold Zippelius, Θεμελιώδεις Έννοιες της Κοινωνιολογίας του Δικαίου (Αθήνα-Θεσσαλονίκη: Εκδ. Σάκκουλα 2008)