Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
-Describe theological and historical key aspects of the New Testament Books
-Analyze issues related to the New Testament Books redaction
-Shape critically their own view on the particular circumstances related to introductory problems of each New Testament
-Distinguish and name the cultural parameters and how they contributed to the holy scriptures redaction and development
-Apply information and communication technologies for searching and analyzing data and information about New Testament Books
-Be aware of the New Testament importance for the Church and for the modern society as well
Course Content (Syllabus)
The course surveys the history of the manuscripts and the several editions of the text of the New Testament and the history of its Canon. Historical aspects from the Hellenistic era in which the New Testament was composed and spread are also presented. The course also examines the language, form, place, date, aim of authorship, theological ideas and the content of every book of the New Testament and its message to the modern world. There is also one-hour practice per week in the apparatus criticus of the New Testament.
New Testament, Theology, Christ, Gospels, epistles, Roman era