Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
-Study a religious or philosophical issue utilizing sources
-Specify the mutual influences of national and Christian literature in the first centuries
-Profile the common concerns and common problem that characterizes the Hellenistic environment the appearance of Christianity
-Clarify the reasons that may lead to conversion and the impact this has on people's lives
-Analyze the reasons that the literary imprinting of conversion may suffer some processing large or small
-Study reference sources critically and thoroughly
-Assess the information retrieved from texts
-Develop their combining ability
-Revisit or shape their life's attitude by realizing the gravity of philosophical and religious conversion
Course Content (Syllabus)
The course is presented, with the help of texts, the way
in which is described the experience of conversion the Christianity
mainly by themselves converts. Representative
cases is the conversion of the apostle Paul, the Holy Au-
goustin, Anthony the Great and Constantine the Great. At the same time are presented autobiographical texts of national literature concerning the conversion to philosophy, such as the conversion of Marcus Aurelius and of Dio Chrysostom.
conversion to Christianity, conversion to philosophy, autobiography, Christian literature, Apostle Paul, Saint Augustine
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1. Α. Κόλτσιου-Νικήτα, Αυτομαρτυρίες μεταστροφής στη γραμματεία
των πρώτων χριστιανικών αιώνων, εκδ. University Studio Press,
Θεσσαλονίκη 2014.
2. Δ. Κυρτάτας (επιμέλεια), Όψις ενυπνίου. Η χρήση των ονείρων
στην ελληνική και ρωμαϊκή αρχαιότητα, , Πανεπιστημιακές εκδό-
σεις Κρήτης, Ηράκλειο 1993.
Additional bibliography for study
G. Μisch, A History of Autobiography in Antiquity, τ. 1,2, Λονδίνο 1973
D. Nock (λήμμα “Bekehrung”), RLAC, II, A. 105-118
H. Leclercq (λήμμα “Conversion”) DACL 3,2, 2797/2800.
E. S. Jones, Conversion, New York 1959.
Young Woon Lee, “Toward a better understanding of Educational Conversation”, Torch Trinity Journal 1 (1998) 148-169
L. Salzman, «Types of religious conversion», Pastoral Psychology 17(166) (1966) 8-20
B.Kilbourne και J. Richardson, «Paradigm conflict, types of conversion, and conversion theories», Sociological Analysis 50 (1989) 1-21
J. Lofland και N. Skonovd, «Conversion motifs» Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 20 (1981) 373-85
L. R. Rambo, «Conversion: Toward a holistic model of religious change», Pastoral Psychology 38 (1993) 47-63
P. E. Morentz, «Conversion: A way of resolving conflict», Pastoral Psychology 35(4) (1987) 254-62
D. K. O'Rourke, A Process Called Conversion, Garden City, New York 1987
J. E. Loder, The Transforming Moments: Understanding Convictional Experienc, San Francisco 1981.