Learning Outcomes
With the successful completion of the lectures the student will be able to
- understand the depth of the connection between dogma and morality, that is, faith with life.
- identify relationships in the vertical and horizontal dimension, issues related to the relationship with God and fellow human beings
-approach the reflections of Christian theology on bioethical dilemmas, its positions on contemporary social issues and its teaching on human relations (marriage, family, etc.) and the meaning it gives to life and death.
- evaluate bioethics issues (assisted reproduction, euthanasia, transplants, etc.)
Course Content (Syllabus)
The character of Christian Ethics is presented and the key issues are analyzed in three major sections. The first refers to the vertical dimension (relations man and God), the second in the horizontal dimension (interpersonal and social relations) and the third examines the basic problems and prospects of human existence.The course deals also with bioethics issues, and in particular the developments that led to them, as well as the dilemmas that arise from these developments.
Additional bibliography for study
1. Κ. Κορναράκης, Η διαλεκτική του φιλοκαλικού ήθους, εκδ. Αρμός, Αθήνα 2002.
2. Κάλλιστος Ware, Ο ορθόδοξος δρόμος, εκδ. Ακρίτας, Αθήνα 1984.