Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to:
• become familiar within the wider Islamic world in the Balkans
• Identify and describe the geographical areas in which Muslim populations are located
• study the historicity and cultural depth of the diversity in the areas under examination
• compose new perceptions and knowledge about the people who occupy the same religious space and those of other religions (benefiting from the pluralistic example of the presence of Islam in communities in the Balkans)
• connect the presence of the wider Balkan Islam with that of the Greek Muslim community in Thrace
• Delve in the similarities and differences of Islam between the wider Balkan area and the area of Greece
• Raise awareness on immigration policy issues (through understanding diversity as a religious and cultural Othering)
• Defend universal cultural values for the purpose of peaceful coexistence and social pacification
Course Content (Syllabus)
Lesson 1
Introduction to Lesson.
Geographical, political boundaries and history of Haemus Peninsula.
Lesson 2
The Medieval period of Haemus Peninsula.
Lesson 3 - 4
Haemus Peninsula from the end of the Middle Ages to the nationalism era.
Lesson 5-6
From the birth of national ideology to the creation of nation states in Haemus Peninsula.
Lesson 7
From Revelation to History and from History to Revelation. Impression of coexistence of Christian and Muslim populations in the eschatological perceptions of the Ottoman period.
Lesson 8
Consequences of the Religious Enforcement Relationship in the Coexistence of Christian and Muslim Populations during the Ottoman Occupation.
Lesson 9
The position of Islam in Balkans on the eve of the Balkan Wars.
Lesson 10-11
The social and educational organization of the Muslim communities in the Southern Balkans since the end of the First World War to date.
Lesson 12
Muslim minorities in the Southern Balkans and their participation in politics.
Lesson 13
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Λ. Σταυριανού, Τα Βαλκάνια. Από το 1453 και μετά, (μετάφρ. Ελ. Δελιβάνη) εκδ. Βάνιας, Θεσσαλονίκη 2007
Αθανασιάδη Αθανάσιου, Ιδεατά έθνη στα Βαλκάνια, Η εθνογένεση των μουσουλμάνων της Βοσνίας, εκδ. Μυγδονία, Θεσσαλονίκη 2016(2).
Μ. Νυσταζοπούλου - Πελεκίδου, Οι βαλκανικοί λαοί. Από την τουρκική κατάκτηση στην εθνική αποκατάσταση 14ος-19ος αι., εκδ. Βάνιας, 1991
Additional bibliography for study
Κ. Τσιούμη Η διαχείριση της μειονοτικής ταυτότητας στον ελληνικό χώρο και η διαμόρφωση της εκπαιδευτικής πολιτικής: Η περίπτωση των μουσουλμάνων της Θράκης 1923–1974
Tanasković D., Islam i mi, Partenon, Beograd 2000
Filipović M., Ko smo mi Bošnjaci, Prosperitet, Sarajevo 2007
Fine J., The Medievel Balkans, Michigan 1994