Additional bibliography for study
Bickel, P. J. & Doksum, K. A. (1977). Mathematical Statistics: Basic Ideas and Selected Topics. Holden-Day Inc.
Casella , G. & Berger, J. O. (2001). Statistical Inference, 2nd Edition. Brooks Cole.
Fraser, D. A. (1967). Statistics: An Introduction. John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Graybill, F. A. (1974). Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, 3rd edition. McGraw Hill.
Hogg, R. V. & Tanise, E. A. (1977). Probability and Statistical Inference. Collier-MacMillan International Editions.
Lehmann, E.L. (1975). Nonparametrics: Statistical Methods Based on Ranks. Holden-Day, San Francisco.
Lehmann, E. L. (1983). Theory of Point Estimation. John Wiley and sons, Inc., New York.
Mood, A., Graybill, F. & Boes, D. (1974). Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, 3rd edition. McGraw Hill.
Rao, C. R. (2008). Linear Statistical Inference and its Applications, 2nd edition. Wiley Series on Probability and Statistics.
Rice, J. A.(1994). Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis, 2nd edition. Duxbury Press.
Roussas, G. (2003). An Introduction to Probability and Statistical Inference. Academic Press. An imprint of Elsevier Science.