Learning Outcomes
Cognitive: The objectives of the course is the study of the systematics, anatomy, morphology, physiology, age and growth, reproduction, ecology and population dynamics of fishes and fisheries management.
Affective: Awareness through the knowledge of fish biology and ecology of the significance of the protection of fish stocks and their management.
Skills: Familiarity with external morphology measurements, analysis of morphometric data, sample construction for age identification and calculation of
fish fecundity, application of statistical and other methods for estimating growth parameters, mortality and population dynamic parameters, and use of
FishBase, the largest electronic encyclopaedia for fishes (www.fishbase.gr), for identifying species and studying their ecology, dynamics and managing
their stocks.
Course Content (Syllabus)
History of ichthyology and fisheries biology. Morphology and systematics. Fish physiology. Ageing and growth parameters. Reproductive biology and mortality. Feeding and trophic levels. Fish population dynamics. Fisheries and fishing gears. Patterns in fisheries exploitation.Stock assessment and isheries management.
Labs and fields trips
External fish morphology and anatomy. FishBase and fisheries databases. Biometry and length relationships. Age determination. Non-linear estimation of growth. Reproductive potential. Trophodynamic indicators. Assessing the status of fish stocks. Fecundity. Mortality. Field trips and visit to the Fisheries Research Institute of Kavala.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
ΣΤΕΡΓΙΟΥ K.Ι., Π.Κ.KΑΡΑΧΛΕ, Α.Χ. ΤΣΙΚΛΗΡΑΣ & Η. ΜΑΜΑΛΑΚΗΣ. 2011. Κραυγή ιχθύος. Ψάρια ελληνικών θαλασσών – Βιολογία, αλιεία, διαχείριση. 358 σελ. Εκδόσεις Πατάκης, Αθήνα.