Learning Outcomes
At the end of the semester students will be able to:
1. analyze a script from the acting point of view,
2. organize the cast and audition,
3. coach the actors during the rehearsals, the shooting and the dubbing.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The Acting Lab I introduces students to the process of actor’s collaboration and guidance.
Our starting point is the Stanislavsky’s system which is the main tool for actor’s training, worldwide. The methodology of the module involves the theoretical understanding of basic concepts of the system with their practical implications in the cinematic process.
Acting Workshop proposes a way of script analysis as a whole and each scene separately, from the acting point of view.
The process of casting and auditioning is also investigated. Special emphasis is given to the way the rehearsals are conducted and to the actor's guidance in the shooting.
Character creation, emotional memory, concentration, attention cycles, tempo-rhythm, Subtext, the goal, the purpose, Through-line, casting, audition.
Presentation during the semester one (1) assignment which counts with 30% in the final assessment.
Presentation of a film scene which presents special interest from the acting point of view.
The student presents orally, in a detailed way:
a. The film genre, the theme, the controling idea, the acting style of the film. b. The value from the acting point of view of the specific scene, the definition of the conflict, the turning point, the opening and the closing value.
Assignment delivery which consists of two (2) parts.
1. Text
Written analysis of the movie scene presented in class. The text should include: A reference to the genre, the plot, the subject, the controling idea, the acting style of the movie and the position of the scene in the narration of the film.
The scene in the form of a script.
The analysis of the scene from the point of view of acting (based on the previous oral presentation).
2. Video essay
Delivery of the analysis of the film scene, in the form of a video essay, according to the standards of analysis presented and discussed in class.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Στανισλάφσκι Κ., Πλάθοντας ένα ρόλο, μτφ. Άγγελος Νίκας εκδ. Γκόνης 1977
Moore, S., Το Σύστημα Στανισλάβσκι, Αθήνα: Παρασκήνιο 1992
Πουντόβκιν Β., Η Τέχνη του Ηθοποιού στο Θέατρο και τον Κινηματογράφο, μτφρ. Γιώργος Μεταξάκης, εκδ. Δαμιανός 2001
Αδάμου Χριστίνα, Ο ηθοποιός, ανάμεσα στη σκηνή και την οθόνη, εκδ. Καστανιώτης 2008
Τσέχοφ Μάικλ, Για τον ηθοποιό-Η τέχνη και η τεχνική της ηθοποιίας, μτφρ. Καλλιόπη Πατέρα, εκδ, Μεταίχμιο 2007.
Άντλερ Στέλλα, H τέχνη του ηθοποιού, μτφρ. Σύλλας Τζουμέρκας, εκδ. Ίνδικτος 2007.
Weston Judith., Σκηνοθετώντας τον ηθοποιό, μτφρ. Νίκος Λερός, εκδ. Πατάκη 2006.